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hey guys! Happy reading not edited yet.


Rose woke up about 3 hours after her beauty sleep. Her head on Mr downey's shoulder with a leather jacket over her. She closed her eyes a little while longer just to enjoy the moment. She sat up and straighten her peach check shirt.

" how was your sleep?" He jerked his brow , teasing her.

"Excellent. Uh.. I'm sorry for sleeping on your shoulder." she bit her tongue embarrassed.

"Nah it's fine. no charges needed, Ms Louis." Rose chuckled and looked at her watch. Five hours. What was she gonna do in five hours. She requested for some cocktail from the flight attendant.

She got worried, well she was working.

"You don't mind if I drink Mr downey?"

"Nope, as a matter of fact, I might want some too." Clinking their cocktail glasses together. They weren't pulled by anything to not drink or even express themselves. She laughed more than ever in a day. Nothing could make her so happy, he was the exception.

He moved his hands to her cheeks and slowly stroked her black eye. Her eyes on his all the time, watching his every move. She knew that she was hooked to him.

"Black eye peas." They chuckled even more. His hands moved away and patted her head. A sudden turbulence scared Rose so much she grabbed on to his arm.

"There.. There.. It's just gonna be like floating on a cloud." She shut her eyes tight, trying to venture into that imagination. She released his arm slowly, embarrassed again.

"We're almost there." He pointed out of the window. City lights was shining bright at her. She never left New York since.. She can't remember at all or.. she doesn't want to.

They went through immigration and grabbed their luggage.

"Welcome to Zurich, Mr downey." He took the bags and packed the car. Driving them to the hotel.

"Mrs Downey, have our producer called you?" Rose's reaction was immediate but unfortunately Robert was faster.

"Mrs Downey, you didn't tell me, if the producer called?" Rose flushed in pink, not able to speak, she loved being called Mrs Downey. The problem was.. She just wasn't Mrs downey. she cleared her throat looking at Robert.

" I haven't receive any of his calls yet. Don't worry I'll give him a call tomorrow morning." The driver smiled and nodded. Arriving a very beautiful hotel just right beside the lake. The lake was exactly like a mirror, reflecting The beautiful lights. The driver, Mathew was unpacking the car while Rose was registering.

"Room 1366 and 1367, level thirteen. Have a nice stay" Rose took the room cards and went into the lift with Robert beside her. Pressing level thirteen with an awkward silence and a terribly slow lift ride.

"How about we go take a look around and have late dinner?" Robert shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah that sounds.. Great.." Rose smiled, her room was just right next to his. Removing all her clothes she dipped her legs into the bathtub testing the temperature. It was just right as she sunk her whole body into the water.

She was done wearing jeans and shirt the whole time. 'I'm in Zurich, crank it up a little Rose.' she thought putting on her long black dress.

"Mr downey?" He was in a dark blue tee and his favorite leather jacket. He was.. Ruggedly handsome. His hair was messy and his eyes was beautifully light brown accompanied by thick lashes.

"Ms Louis." He licked his bottom lip, looking at Rose. She was wearing a black dress with a slit that ended just a little bit below her waist. She was sexy with her curly brown hair down.

"You look.. Amazing." They said in sync and Robert smiled as he offered her his arm.

"Where are we going?"

"Everywhere..everywhere, Ms Louis." It didn't really matter where they went. What really matters was who they were with. They walked around arm in arm looking at the beautiful scenery. The bridge over the lake. She was looking around beside the bridge while he was looking at how sexy she was, that sexy length of slit on her dress leaving just enough for him to imagine, she was turning him on. They continued with the architecture of the old buildings. They were chatting all way long. They finally settled down in a bistro. They clinked their wine glasses together. Savoring the taste of the 1975 year old wine.

"How long have you been married?" He smiled at her, not a single one of his Personal assistant didn't know anything about him. He didn't doubt that she doesn't even know his name the day she met him on the set.

"For as long as I can remember." Rose chuckled, looking into his eyes for the truth.

"Around 2005, how about you?" It got Rose curious that he didn't talk much about Susan to her. That's not usually what happens with a happy couple.

"Just single and ready to mingle." He chuckled and shook his head. Not believing how could a wonderful girl like her be single.

"Why do you have so many jobs Rose?"

She looked at him dead in the eye not knowing what to say next. She wasn't much fond of her bitter life.

"Trying to catch my dreams. To.." She thought of Dahlia. She's been there for the past 6 years. When she found out that Dahlia had Huntington's. She was a total mess, she was 26 back then. What could she have done? Find the mother that ran away with another guy? Or find her father that never wanted them in his life?

" To look at the world in a different perspective." She finished her sentence smiling bitterly.

" Well you'll have plenty of that with me." They were done with their meals but wasn't satisfied with the day. After all, they spent hours in a plane. Time to have fun. Sitting at a local bar with appletini in Rose's hands and Whiskey in Robert's.

"Drink all you want, all on me." Robert chuckled, his head slightly dizzy. Rose wasn't anywhere near dizzy. She was worst than dizzy. 5 empty appletini cups stood in front of her. She got out of the bar looking for fresh air. Robert trailed behind her.

"You know what sucks?!" She yelled into the darkness laughing like a maniac.

"My wife?!" Robert yelled, obviously drunk. Rose shook her head.

"My life." She said it so softly, Robert could have missed it. But he didn't.

He place an arm around her waist and walked back to the hotel.

"Goodnight, Mr downey. Thank you.. For everything you've shown me today. This is an amazing place." She chuckled resting her head on the door. He was doing the same, just looking at how beautiful she was.

"You are most welcome, Ms Louis. Goodnight." He kissed her forehead, wanting to do more, they looked into each other's eyes intensively. His smell was intoxicating, his breath was heavy. His lips lowering to where hers was and kissed her cheeks slowly taking his time. Rose was telling her hormones to calm the fuck down. Her heart was pounding on her chest. She needed this, she wanted him, right here and now but..

"I can't.. We can't.. We're drunk."She touched his face and waved him goodbye. She slammed the door shut and slept her way on the bed like a baby.


Comment guys! Please. Thank you for reading by the way.

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