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What's up?

"wakey wakey, Renèe." Rose felt itchy around her neck area. The sunlight blinded her.

"After all these years you finally got me." The old man was holding a knife, pointed at her. Tears rolling down her face, she was worried for Dahlia.. it would only take a few seconds to get her.

"Ha! your father ruined my family! my family! I'm gonna ruin his! WHERE IS HE RENÈE?" Rose frowned looking at this crazy old man.

"I'm not my father sir, I do not kill like him. In fact, I've been running away form him too." her tears stopped, it was another victim of her father's job. He seemed too familiar, she closed her eyes flying through her memories.

"Tell me where he is. I need to find him. Tell me and I'll let you go the easy way."


Robert failed to call her cell, he tried many times at it got him worried. ' don't worry rob, maybe she just got too drunk and fell asleep.. yeah.. relax.'

He dialed Gene's number, obnoxiously waiting for her to pick up. ' C'mon.. pick up the damn phone.'

"Hey! I wanted to ask if Rose got home?" Gene's face fell, she thought Rose had spent the night at Robert's.

"She didn't come home Downey." He closed his eyes, it's not 48 hours yet there's no way the cops could help.

"How about you ask the bartender and I'll look for kale?" Gene's heart was racing, what if her dad found her? What if he was going to kill her? She dialed Kale's number, tapping her fingers impatiently.

"Hey Gen--"

"Where the hell is Rose?" Her voice mad, Rose was like her sister. they looked out for each other, she wasn't going to lose her.

"I don't know when I arrived the bar she wasn't there. The bartender said she left with an old man. I tri--" Gene hung up, what old man was she with? She didn't care less about Kale honestly, he could go suck himself for all she cares.
She dialed Robert's number, he picked up immediately.

"What did Kale say?" Sounds of cars passing by over the phone. He was down town looking for the bar she always went after work.

"Bartender said she left with an old man.. I'm not sure who it is Downey."

"It's not her dad, is it?" She was surprised, he was the first person for Rose to open up so quickly.

"I sure hope it's not. I have a friend in the precinct, lets go over and give him a visit hmm? Meet me there." the phone clicked, Robert got back into his car and accelerated to the precinct.


"What do you want from me?! I wasn't the one who killed whoever your wife was!" she screamed, frustrated. Her hands tied behind her back, her eyes on his wild ones.

"HE KILLED LESLIE." Her heart dropped. She recalled who he was now, her face

" Uncle Simon?" His eyes looked at her, teary.

"Where's your father?" She shook her head, the screams of Aunt Leslie returned. He was in the military when Leslie took them in, her eyes began to tear again. He would call every once awhile to ask how both of them are doing, coming home to find out his wife was strangled to death wasn't pleasant.

"I don't know, Simon. I've left that place and found a new identity. Nothing has been good for me. I had to hide my whole life." his eyes soften, he drew his blade closer. Rose squeezed her eyes shut preparing for the stab, instead he set her free. Cutting her lose from the ropes he had tied on her earlier.

"How's.. How's your sister doing?" He asked pouring them tea, he had no intentions of hurting her. He was just looking for his wife's murderer.. it seems that there's no loose ends.

" She's dying.. slowly everyday.. I worked hard to pay for her medical bills." he wiped his tears away, remembering how Rose and dahlia would want him to read bedtime stories. He missed it. He missed his wife.

"I'm sorry I had to bring you here the hard way.." She gulped drinking the tea, her hands was bruised when she struggled with the ties. She wasn't afraid of him, after finding out who he was.

"Do you want to give her a visit?" Rose smiled at Simon, her eyes bright.

"I'll drive." he smiled taking his keys, opening the door for Rose to get up his car.


"Uncle Simon?" Dahlia smiled, her arms wide hugging him. Rose was surprised with her memory

"Hello, Denise." His wrinkles around his eyes when he smiled, he sat down and started chatting with her. Rose went looking for her cell in her pockets.
She called Gene, her hands still shaking. She was very lucky to meet Simon, either that or she would have met someone who really wanted to kill her.

"ROSE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Gene yelled but somehow relieved that she was fine.

"With dahlia... come over with Robert. he must be looking for me. I'll tell you more when you arrive." She looked through the glass, Simon was making Dahlia laugh. She must have missed him too, it's been a long time since they've seen him. He was like a real father to them, the thought of losing his wife made him a little insane but he was always soft for both of them.


"Why the hell are we in the hospital? Is Rose okay?!" Robert's grip on the wheel increased parking in the basement.

"I think it's best if Rose was the one who told you." Gene smiled walking out of the car, he was catching up with her pace walking towards Dahlia's ward.

"Rose!" Rose ran towards Gene hugging her tightly.

"Thank god you're fine." Rose pulled away and smiled looking at Robert.

"I miss you." he wrapped his arms around her, her head at the crooks of his neck smelling his cologne, her hands ran over his soft hair.

"I thought I'd never see you again." he brushed her stray hair away and kissed her forehead.

"There's someone I'd like you to meet." Rose brought him into the ward to meet Dahlia. He was confused when he looked at Dahlia, they had the same face structure.. the nose.. the brows.. It was just the eyes that gave away.

Dahlia's hands was on her mouth, she couldn't believe who was standing in front of her."Oh my god. You are Tony Stark, aren't you? I'm a big fan of iron man and pepperony."

"She's my sister, dahlia. This is Mr downey." He shook her hands smiling. He knew the role of Iron man was for him, no one could ever pull off the role of Tony Stark except Robert Downey jr.
He also noticed that she was Ill, the tubes connected to her arms were more than he could count with his fingers.

" Beautiful like your sister I see." the sisters blushed looking at him, how charming he was. Simon was studying Robert, his eyes met Rose. She totally forgot to introduce Simon.

"And this is Simon.." He was suspicious towards Simon.. an old man that took her with him? Who was he? He smiled anyway shaking his hands.

Simon got up and hugged Dahlia and Rose, "well I better get going Renèe.. see you soon Denise." he waved and left.. She wanted to say more, that he was always welcome to visit dahlia but.. Robert was even more confused, who is Renèe?

"I'll go get a cup of coffee, you and Mr downey could have your own time talking about iron man." Rose closed the door behind her. She came back with two cups of coffee, dahlia was enjoying the talk with Robert.

"Hey, we're just talking about how awesome civil war was!" Dahlia said excitedly, her eyes shining for the first time in months.

"really? Fill me in." Rose passed the coffee over to Robert, it was time she really spent time with dahlia.


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