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Happy reading!


Robert's arm was wrapped around her protectively, the sunlight shone on her face. Her eyes wandered around the mansion, it was beautiful.

"Oh my god! I'm late for work!" She stood up running into the bathroom, her hair muffled and she was only in her lingerie. She took some mouthwash gargling her bad breath away. his large arms pulled her closer to him, his cologne made her dreamy.

"You are already at work, Ms Louis." He nibbled her neck, their reflection showing on the mirror.

"Not professionally.." She kissed his lips, her legs around his waist, her ass was on top of the cold marble. still kissing her lips swirling his tongue in her mouth. He looked into her eyes, stroking her face. She was just perfect the way she is, he was never so passionate with anyone else, neither was she.

"You are just so.. Extraordinary." they chuckled, Rose placed her hands on his shoulders drawing him closer.

"Too perfect to be mine." She said smiling at him, he kissed her again. He loved kissing her, her hands around his neck, running her hands through his fluffy hair. He had the most soft and beautiful hair ever, rather than what the tabloids are saying, Harry Styles's hair wasn't as good as his. He needs to get in the line.

"You currently have no meetings today, I'll just go back and sort out some files." he kissed her forehead, fingers still laced around each other's.

"How about.. I've never brought you on a first date. Since you're free and coincidentally I'm too, would you like to go on our first date Marie?" His eyes bright waiting for her respond, she loved him, how could she ever resist him?

"Hell yes."


She was dressed in her jeans and a baby blue t-shirt, it fitted her body perfectly as she left the house. He opened the door for her, she couldn't remember when was the last time she'd been so happy. She pecked him on the lips and got in.

"So where are we going?" She said fixing her seatbelt.

"You'll see.." He turned on the radio, filling the comfortable silence. The only thing Rose could see surrounding her was trees, the fresh air overwhelming.

He laced his fingers with hers and covered her vision using the other hand.


"Don't worry just trust me, rose." he pecked her cheek.

" Soo.."He removed his hands, she gasped at what he had prepared. Red checked cloth on the green grass, a basket full of Yumminess. He bit his lip as she looked around, nervous that she might not like it.

"This is just.. Wow.. Beautiful." She sat on the cloth and started unpacking all the food they had.

Soon he was laying on her lap, his eyes searching hers, her free hand ruffling his hair. Rose enjoyed this, no one... No one has ever done this for her.

For once she felt.. Loved.

"I just can't.. tell you how happy I am." Her smile wide, she placed her champagne down. He stood up unexpectedly, held his hands out to her.

"Well would you like to dance Rose?" She took his hands and they danced on the green grass, his hands behind her back holding her to him. Her arms was wrapped around his neck like a scarf.

"I'll be here when you need me hmm?" He said flashing his cheeky smile. she laid her head on his chest smelling his cologne, his chin rested on top of her head pulling her close to him.

"And I will do the same." They danced slowly surrounded by trees,the wind brushing her face. She didn't know if she was ready to pour out her heart again just to love. The scars on her aren't securely sealed, it can just bleed again.. and again. It was drizzling already, they stood by still slowly dancing in each other's arms.

Her gaze on his perfectly lined lashes with raindrops , she licked her lips tasting the rain.

"Let's crash at your place hmm?" He took her hands walking her to his car.

"Wait.. How about the picnic basket?" He chuckled kissing her forehead before she sat in the car.

"They'll take care of it."


His Audi was beautiful, slick and cool. What she least expected a few years ago was that it would be in her front yard. Rose was cooking with him, they danced slowly to the songs that Gene kept. Rose held on to his apron while his hands was loosely around her waist.

"Tell me.. have you ever think about that table sex we had.." he chuckled and whispered in her ears.

" All the time." He pecked her ears and continued slow dancing with Rose.

"What happened to your ear?" A scar was on Rose's earlobe. the door slammed and Gene was home, shooting looks at both of them, cuddling.

"Hey, we're preparing dinner. wanna join us?" Rose licked her lips, removing herself from Robert.

"Are you sure it's safe to eat? You know I don't like additional body fluids my dear." They chuckled and Gene just kept a straight face.

"I can assure, this chicken is super fresh and free of body fluids." Robert stated pulling out the chicken.

"Damn it smells good. Count me in." Gene threw her messenger bag on the couch and helped Rose.


"What did you do to him, I mean look at him, he's so in love with you and well.. dead asleep on your bed." they chuckled and Rose shrugged.

"Don't you think you should tell him more about yourself Rose?" Gene closed the door behind them.

"I.. Can't afford to lose him.. if he finds out.. Robert will just be like Leslie." Rose breathed hard, the scream aunt Leslie had when Rose ran away with Dahlia. Her eyes watered as guilt surrounded her, if she died.. No one could ever get hurt anymore.


How is it?! Comment please!! Thank you for reading btw.

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