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Hey guys!


"Janine, I need to know what happened." Rose stood beside the guilty nurse, she was sitting on the chair with her eyes pouring.

"I was checking dahlia's vitals and decided to take a rest on the chair. I swear, I've never fell asleep! I just.. I messed up this time. Rose, I'm so sorry." She did feel bad for the nurse, her head was messing with her. How could she ever find dahlia without exposing herself?

"Fuck." Rose murmured, her hands starting to shake from the fear. She closed her eyes tight and tried to to fight those memories. The running, screaming and hiding. It all came to this, she pounded her fist on the wall again and again until Simon stopped her.

" Rose, stop!" He gripped her hands tightly, she wanted to cry but her tears weren't obliging. "Breathe my dear, it's going to be okay." Simon felt her muscles relax and slowly released her arms.

"If there's anything I can help, I would do it. Just give me a call alright?" Janine gave the number to Simon and went back to work.

"He'll keep her alive, Renee. I'm sure. We just have to keep you safe for now. Let's go to my place." Simon patted her shoulders, not knowing how to console her.

"Let's go." Her voice sounded like a whisper to Simon, broken and defeated with this, they went home.


She closed her eyes thinking about Downey while the water ran down her body. He seems to be the only person that can occupy her mind without feeling fear. She clenched her knuckles when she felt a sting from both of her hands, realizing she got hurt from punching the wall.

"Renee?" she heard a soft knock on the door. "Come out quick, I think I know why he took Dahlia." Rose quickly brought herself out of the shower and dressed up to meet simon.

"What is it, Simon?" he turned on the television and there he was, the man that killed her aunt and was so ever persistent with hunting them down and erasing any evidence of her existence and Dahlia's. "we left him alone.. I don't understand why?"

" Elections are coming up, and apparently, he's one of the presidential candidate. I'll do some digging on the whereabouts of Dahlia, you stay put alright." Simon grabbed his jacket, almost headed out the door before Rose stopped him.

"Be safe." He smiled a little and headed out. Rose placed the laptop on her lap and read the news about.. her father. How successful he was in his career, making the cover of Forbes and Time magazine for a few times. Articles have portrayed him as a devoted family man, the smart lawyer who graduated from Harvard as one of the top students. She clicked on the images of him kissing his wife's cheek while his teenage daughter smiled beside them. Kristen was his wife's name and his daughter was Amberly. She stared at the image for a moment or two, her father did look like a mundane man.

For a second, something out of the window caught her attention and scooted over to see a firetruck outside. Firemen started entering the apartment, she gulped not knowing if she should be out alone without Simon. Before she could react, she heard a loud knock on the door.

"Is anyone home?! There's a gas leak coming from your neighbor, we need to evacuate everyone!"He yelled through the door, Rose took no time to grab her cellphone and climbed down the window. She wasn't taking any chances, cold sweat formed on her forehead as she made her way down the slippery rails with no shoes. When she made it to the ground, she looked around and saw no one else outside. That was when she finally admitted that they were coming to get her. Before she could run a fireman called after her.

"ma'am? Are you alright?" she waved her hand to dismiss him and continued to run before she was tackled onto the ground. The man now hovering over her body and pinning her hands to the ground. "Where do you think you're going to Renee?" Being called by her real name sent chills down her spine, She yelled hoping that someone could hear her behind the alley.

"You son of a bitch!" she tried kicking herself free from his grasp but he placed a medicated cloth over her face and she was soon losing her vision.

"what do you think you're doing? " she heard a lady's voice, her eyes blinking fast, trying to remain concious.

"no-uh ma'am she's a thief!" he exclaimed taking the cloth away from her face.

"Is that so? the last I heard it involves a police and handcuffs. How about we call the police now?" Rose could feel his grip loosening around her wrist, regardless she was too drowsy to move.

"T-that's alright, i'll head over to my chief and ask him to do it instead. Why dont you look after her for me?" Rose could hear him walking away as for the woman came closer to her.

"Help.. I c-can't see." Rose managed to speak before falling into the mist of darkness.


"Honey? Can you hear me?" her eyes opened and she saw an old lady wiping her face with a towel. "oh good lord, you're awake."

" I need to call..Simon." Rose murmured her mouth feeling so dry.

"Now now, whoever Simon is, he can wait."

"No you dont understand, they are coming to get me! Get me.." she leaned her head back, her head and body ached.

"You're safe now, that's all that matters." Rose took a moment to look around at where she was, it was rather filthy and messy.

"I haven't had the chance to thank you, what's your name?" The old lady handed her a glass of water with the edges of her lips curled.

"Emma. My name is Emma." She took her hands and squeezed a little.

"Emma, as much as I'm grateful for your help, I need to leave as soon as I can. They'll barge in and kill-" Emma hushed her.

"It's alright, they're not coming to get you. Not when you're are here." Rose wasn't taking any of it, risking innocent lives is the last thing she needs under her conscience.

"Where am I?"

"You're looking for your sister." Rose pushed herself up, vulnerability surrounded her heart.

"Wha-how did you know?" Her fight and flight response tingling.

"Renee, I'm not going to hurt you." Emma stood up her hands calming Rose down.

"How do you know my name? Who the hell are you!" Rosè was barely up on her feet, leaning against the dusty shelf to support her spinning head.

"Renee, you can't leave it's not safe." The old lady begged, trying to reason with rose.

"And staying here with a random old lady is?" She glared back, her head was still barely coordinating with her limbs.

"You're still as stubborn as ever aren't you? It's me, Aunt Leslie."


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