Chapter 3

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Kenji wakes up to birds chirping and decides to get up since it is the time to do so anyway and he thinks to himself 'Wow,it is already my second day here and I know that things are sure to get interesting',he quickly hops in the shower and washes and rinses himself off,soon he is outside his room only to find Chitayna waiting to no surprise of his.

Kenji starts off with stating "Oh hey Chitayna,why are you stalking me like come on stop it before you start" to which Chitayna replies "Oh whatever do you mean Kenji-Senpai? I am not stalking,we belong together." Kenji lets out an irritable growl and says "Just dial it down a bit okay,you can be obsessed with me but keep it at a low level" and then he sighs heavily.

He leaves the hallway with Chitayna in tow and as he reaches the dining room all the girls are there already save for Chitayna who was obviously with him since after he exited his room. Kenji then asks "Hey there girls,how are things going for you all this morning?" Kireitsune is the first to answer "Good morning Kenji-Dono" as she hugs him and kisses his cheek.

Kenji surprised at the sudden kiss on the cheek exclaims " Waah,what the hell Kireitsune?" as a warm blush spreads across his face. Tora replies in Kireitsune's place "Morning Kenji-San, that's just how Kireitsune is" as she hugs him bashfully but with purpose.
Hyöna goes and stands on an empty table and jumps into Kenji's arms and states "It is true Kenji-Kun".

Yukino is sitting at a table eating breakfast and says "Yeah but you will get used to it though... eventually" After catching Hyöna Kenji replies "If you girls say so,ey Hyöna,you sure have interesting ways to get my attention,don't you?" and Gina replies for her "Yeah she is the over the top one in our group" to which Kenji thinks to himself 'no duh,obviously'.

Akané then adds "But she is our over the top one,only we understand her but you will understand her soon as well". Shishana then smugly says "You will get used to the same way,used to treating me highly that is" to which Kenji replies "I am going to have to get used to the eccentricities of all ten of you girls" as a sweatdrop appears at the side of his face.

Jackie with her attitude again says to Kenji then "You sure will Kenji-Kun, not that it counts or anything like that" to which Kenji replies "Whatever you say Jackie" quick to the defense Tsukiko says "Kenji just ignore what Jackie said, you are a part of the pack now" and Kenji sarcastically replies "Yeah,I am sure I will" so all but Kenji and Jackie sigh.

After eating their breakfast and brushing their teeth they go for another long day of school. Kenji was sitting in the class he was in for third period listening to the teacher drone on and on about this and that and so on and so forth,but the thing is that Kenji was deep in thought,he was thinking about the hostel girls.

Kenji thinks to himself "Okay so I think I've got the girls figured out already, Kireitsune is always upbeat and I've yet to see her upset and Tora is so shy it's too true, Yukino is the cool almost emotionless one and Tsukiko sees us all as her pack,Shishana sees us all as her pride and likes to be treated like a princess and Jackie is a girl with an attitude that denies she actually cares about me,typical Tsundere, Gina and Akané are very caring and Hyöna will do anything to get my attention, then you get Chitayna who seems to be obsessed with me and I don't see her cutting it out any time soon, that girl has got to learn the boundaries, all in all they are one funny group of girls."

Suddenly the bell rings startling Kenji and almost causing him to fall had it not been for Kireitsune who had been steadying both him and his seat and Kireitsune then says "Careful Kenji-Dono, come on and hang out with me and Tora and Yukino" to which Kenji replies "Where are the other girls tho,like won't they join? You seem to be types to hang out".

Kireitsune replies "They are hanging out with their friends from the city, it is a usual thing for them". Kenji then states "Oh yeah I seem to have not thought they have friends from the city,I thought since you can all transform that the only friends you have are each other but it seems I was wrong to assume that" as he wonders why exactly he thought that.

Light Novel Of The Legend Of The Teenage Therian Warriors.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora