Chapter 16

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Kenji tossed and turned in his sleep with the burn marks from the fight with that phoenix earlier the same day glowing a bright white and it felt like they were on fire, he woke up feeling like being burned by the hottest fire, figuring he'd try to cool off he ran outside but the burning got worse and he yelled in agony.

Kenji's yell goes like this "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Suddenly all the lights in the hostel go on and the girls all burst out of their rooms alert that Kenji is in great pain if his screams are any indication, they all run in the direction of his yelling and find him outside in the hostel courtyard on his knees holding the burns and still yelling while the burns glowed. They could see that he was in tremendous pain from the burns

Kireitsune : Kenji-Dono!

Tora : Kenji-San!

Chitayna : Kenji-Senpai!

Hyōna : Kenji-Kun!

Jackie : Kenji-Kun!

Shishana : Kenji-Kun!

Yukino : Kenji-Kun!

Gina : Kenji-Kun!

Akane : Kenji-Kun!

Tsukiko : Kenji-Kun!

They all yell his name in their respective ways as they stop a few metres away from him, when they see the burn marks on his body glowing the way they do they stand feeling helpless as he yells, he stands up and turns around while still yelling his lungs out, his eyes are hooded but he yells as the burns glow brighter. His screams agonizing for them to hear

Tora says "You guys I am scared, I do not want Kenji to die, we have to do something as soon as possible!"

Yukino then says "I've deduced that the burns on his body from that phoenix fight are burning him quite a lot!"

Jackie says frustrated "Dammit, I knew that something with the look of those burns seemed off very very off!"

The rest of the girls keep quiet not knowing what to do either or what to say, they all watch in quiet horror as Kenji's screams get shrill, he looks up still screaming, they see his eyes glow bright white which frightens them, fire springs up around him and in an explosion of white it blows them all of in different directions blowing them all off of their feet.

All ten of the girls then yell "Kenji!"

They yell his name again after finding their voices, regaining their sight after the blast of white light seeing him laying passed out on the ground, after a minute they get their footing back and run to him and kneel by his side, Tora shakes him but he wouldn't wake up so they carry him to the hostel infirmary while making sure to be very gentle while carrying him.

Kenji wakes up in a grassy clearing, confused he gets up from the grass noticing he was only in shorts, the burn marks on him all but gone except the outlines, he runs until he sees a mideavil style gate with a guard in front, before he could see their face a light blinds him, he passes out and wakes up in an unfamiliar room. He looks around confused about it.

Kenji then thinks to himself 'Where the hell am I? I remember being outside the hostel glowing and the girls...'

Voices cut his inner monologue short.


Hearing the girls's voices he looks left and sees them pouring into the room, they rejoice seeing him awake careful not to hug him too hard, he tells them his account of the happenings, they tell him theirs, it is morning so he goes to his room to get dressed, eats in the dining room, brushes his teeth in the bathroom and leaves for school seeing as it is after all a school day.

(Ten minutes just before school)

Kenji says to his two companions for today "Yesterday night was crazy and after I passed out again I had a really weird dream. As far as dreams go it was pretty darn hazy to me at first".

Jackie loses her patience saying "Well Kenji-Kun, what was the dream about? Dammit, spit it out so we can know if it is a clue about the burn marks that you had on you after the fight with the damned Phoenix!"

Shishana then agrees "Yeah Kenji-Kun, do not just leave us hanging here, tell us what it was about, otherwise we can not help you in the slightest".

Jackie snaps at him out of irritation from when he didn't listen after the phoenix fight and Shishana with her demanding personality wanted to know all about it immediately.

Kenji kind of fed up with them being snappy with him exclaims "Fine, fine, alright already geez! I woke up in a field in my shorts, got up and got to a gate that was in an interesting style.
Jackie seemingly offended at Kenji's own irritation says "No need to be so sensitive about it Kenji-Kun, I already told you that you had to bare with my personality".

Shishana says then agrees by saying "And with mine Kenji-Kun, anyway tell us what happened in the rest of the dream." She was really hammering on Kenji telling them.

Kenji growls out feeling a bit more annoyed by the two girls' very overbearing personalities today.

Kenji explains further "As I was explaining before getting interrupted! Finding a guard at a gate I passed out and I woke up in the infirmary before you two and the other girls found me wide awake".

Jackie apologizes "I guess I am sorry, forgive me for going a bit overboard Kenji-Kun, how did the gate in the dream look?"

Shishana also apologizes "I'm sorry too, I also apologize for that, so how did the gate and the guard look to you? I mean they both have to have a kind of style from somewhere in time".

Both the girls look at Kenji meaning their apology and he sighs regaining his composure.

Kenji says "The gate was mideavil and the guard was in a mideavel style kind of armor from head to toe and I just kind of passed out before I could get a real good look at the guard's face".

The bell rings for classes to start.

(In homeroom class)

Nothing much happened except Kireitsune being worried about Kenji and Kenji himself worrying about himself since it is he that got burned in the fight with that Phoenix.

(Break after a few periods)

Kenji keeps looking at the bandages on his arms, Jackie and Shishana seem concerned about him while he is doing so, they really are good friends to worry about him like that.
Jackie asks him "Kenji-Kun, what is happening? Are those burns bothering you slightly or maybe a lot? Because it sure looks like that is what is happening at the moment".

Shishana then agrees and adds "Yeah Kenji-Kun, we saw you looking at some of them, are you alright?"
Kenji replies to them honestly "Yeah, they still sting quite a bit and they tingle so it is quite bothersome."
Jackie then says "Well that would irritate me as well and this is really quite a concerning situation considering what happened to you".

Shishana agrees with Jackie by saying "Yeah, I think something may not be right if last night was any indication".
to which Kenji tells them "That dream is quite a bother as well, I kept thinking about it all day today"
causing Jackie to say wisely "Well Kenji-Kun, there Is nothing we can do about it until we have some more info if you do ever dream further that is".

After a while the bell rings.

(Dinner after school)

Kenji sits at the dinner table still thinking about the strange dream he had and what the face of the gate guard may have looked like and the burns feel weird and is the source of much inner conflict on his part, he doesn't know why he is obsessing over it so much since nothing had ever left his mind in so much dissaray".

[At the standard hostel sleep time)

The girls are all very concerned pulling Kenji into a group hug assuring him that everything would work out alright in the end and that he has to get as much rest as possible that night which after he no longer thought about it, followed their advice and he went to sleep early.

Light Novel Of The Legend Of The Teenage Therian Warriors.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum