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Cleastia's pov

I heard dogs barking down there at the house.

"Is this the place?" Mark asked suspiciously

"Ya that's the house I saw " I pointed at the one behind the Grove of trees.

He slowly pulled down the driveway. There was a dirtier version of Mark's pickup parked outside the house. Once he parked behind it, a heavy-set man about Mark's size comes storming out. Mark and Nathan got out..

"What are you doing here" the man growled.

"Please sir can we stay here, we're in need of a place to hide and I think somethings wrong with my pickup "

I hopped out of the truck and stood by Mark. Nathan was on the other side of Mark.

"Let me go ask my fiancé," said the heavy-set man. We trailed behind him. He told us to wait near the door. He made the mistake of leaving the door cracked so we can hear what they said.

"Hey, there are three strangers who want to stay till they find out what's wrong with the truck"

There was a pause in the words.

"Hun "

"Ya till mom comes home and then talks to her, '' she yelled. She sounds like she's further into the house. I look down to see his hand twitching. Crap. Nate gave me a weird look. Then I pointed down at Mark's hand. I held his hand so it didn't draw too much attention.

The big man came back and opened the door. Nate turned around and got some of the bags, and his guitar.

"Hi, I'm Mark, this is my girlfriend Cleastial and her boyfriend Nathan."

We step in the house.

"Nice to meet you." The man said

He sat in a motorized chair in front of us. Then a woman slightly taller than me came up by a gate that was attached to the wall. The dog were raising the roof. The black dog was howling. Mark covered his mouth.

"Can I pet your dogs?" I asked

"You can try"

I walked over to the dogs, the small dog with blonde hair backed up and barked louder. The black dog with pointy ears stood up on the gate. I let her sniff my hand. Once she accepted it I pet her across the head and in between the ears.

"That's Lucy" the woman who was holding the blonde dog.

"And this is Ruffles"

Ruffles was growling, but wasn't barking. I opened the gate and Lucy came out. She went right over to mark smelling his feet. I giggled. "Where do you want me to put the stuff?" Nate asked

"OH you can put them in the living room," said the man. Nate carried it in and put it on the couch next to two rooms.

The woman put down Ruffles and pulled out her phone.

"The girls should be home anytime now "

"Girls?" Nate asked, pulling out his guitar.

"Ya, we got 2 don't worry only ones boy crazy"

I felt Nathan get nervous. Mark was trying not to expose his ears. I was trying to keep both of them calm.

Then a loud rumble came from outside. Then the dogs started barking again. Then the door opened and quickly shut. One was singing and the other one was stomping to the bathroom.

"Mom! Why are there three strangers here" said the one with messy brown hair.

"They will be staying here for a bit."

Monster hunters are they realTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon