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No one’s pov

Tyler and Bob walked into a cold hospital room. The room had wire strung like streamers for a party. One side of the room had a cabinet full of Vials of various poisons.  A white silhouette On a white bed sheet outlined in dark red.

"Move," said the heavily Australian-accented guy. He wore red leather armor that had spike studded across it. The guy held on to his sword which was on his side.

Tyler and Bob tip toe across the cold slick floors. They soon meet a sharply dressed brown hair, pulled-up, woman standing next to the door where they need to go. She nodded to Shad. She opened the door. 

“ mat they are here to see you” she stated with a firm notice. 

A man about Mark’s height moved into the shadows of the dimly light room. 

“ He wailed for help “ questioned Mat. he positioned his hand sot his elbows could sit on the desk. the man's tail swooshed around his legs.

“ ya he said he needed us for something” 

“so it was Mark,” the man in the shadows asked.

“ya, it was, Jason.”  Bob snorted. His two dusted tusks formed out of his mouth. Bob's ear turned to boars ears at the top of his head. 

Jason pins him to the wall and growls in his ears," I can still eat you " 

"Boys calm down or I'll dissect you right now," Matt said in a firm voice, standing up and holding the chainsaw flamethrower. His brown eyes silently scolded the two boys.  Jason backed down and lowered his ears. 

"Now what in need of you two boys, " he said looking over a scared Tyler and a boar-looking bob. "since I've been informed by  Jason, tried to kill her, I don't want that, what I want is for you boys to observe how she's doing, report any power outburst or how strong her lasher ribbons are." 

The woman made her way to his desk. 

"What about me? " Jason yelled.

"You will be the last resort for my plan" Matt starts to laugh maniacally. 

Mark pov

I start pasting back and forth. Where are they? Then I heard footsteps. My ear perked up. Nathan was turning his guitar. Celeste was feeling her ribbons. 

My nose smelt people come this way. 3 no four. My tail wagged. I race to them 

"Heyguyhowdoing " I said reading excitedly. 

They look at me disgusted. Everyone except Ethan. 

"Hi, Mark" We did our handshake. 

"So what do you need us for," Tyler said 

"Well I got an idea, I want to see how far her ribbons can go," I whispered

"How are you going to do that,” Bob said 

"Well you guys are going to pull it while I hold it" 

They look at each other. Wade gave me a weak thumbs-up.

"The only problem is what are we going to do with fangs," Tyler whispered.

I shrug my shoulders. We walk in. As soon as she laid eyes on the group, she jumped up.

"What are they doing here?" Nathan looked up and said nothing.

"They are the cause of inviting them," I said. They circled her. Nathan backed up and ran to the forest. 

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