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Celestial’s pov

I hear a chime of a ringtone followed by groaning to get up. Daisy said I could sleep in her room so I did. I happen to not sleep though. I stood awake. The boys slept outside to avoid suspicion. Mark, Daisy, and her parents were the only ones to sleep last night. I flipped on the lights and shook Mark awake.

"Time to get up Mark" I whispered in his ear. I had the boys help me get him dressed. Mark groaned. 

I whispered in his ear again, "don't you want to help her with the problem?" 

His tired eyes finally opened, "did they come?" 

"Yup it’s outside" Mark sat up and rubbed his eyes. We were shocked that Daisy was fast when I came to get dressed. Her mom made us breakfast. 

Nate hid in the bathroom for quite some time.

"Nate" I knocked, "you ok " 

"Ya, I’m ok I just.. I'll tell you when I get done"  it was followed by a flush of the toilet. Nate was dressed in black, with a hoodie in hand. He led me by the shoulder. Daisy walked into the bathroom next. Nate leaned into my ear a whispered, "I have a bad feeling about today" 

"Hey relax Nate I'll be there in case you or Mark have problems ok?" 

He looked at the ground and nodded his head. Mark stretched tired lying as we waited to go to the bathroom. Daisy's mom was making cheesy eggs and I could smell it. Nate and I walked back to the living room. Ruffles kind of barked at Nate but quickly calmed down. Then he pulled out two solid color water bottles.

"This is in case you get thirsty." He said handing it to me.

We finished getting everything ready so the four of us—Mark, Nate, Daisy, and I—hopped in Mark’s truck and drove off. Daisy gave us terrible instructions. 

"Sorry I'm bad at giving directions" she whined 

"It's ok we are like that," I said, patting her back. We walked in and Daisy guided us to the front office, which was right next to the front door.

"My two cousins and her boyfriend were thinking about transferring. Can they get a day’s experience with me?" 

The receptionist looked up at us three and shrugged her shoulders.

Daisy thanked her and we waited in the cafeteria. Everyone kept looking at us like we carried a gun in school. 

"Why did you call us cousins?" I asked.

Daisy smiled, "I was trying to think of something fast." 

The bell rang soon after that and she walked us to her locker. Once she collected her stuff, we walked to her class called world history.
A girl with dyed black hair , with growing out roots, sat the desk infont of us. She put leg on the chair, " Daisy are you replacing me " she sheirk offendedly

Daisy said with wide smile," no these are my cousins and there girlfriend

  Then after that, we went to math. None of the classes were hard for us but Daisy struggled, with math the most. We were walking to her 4th hour which is how she explained it was lifting weights for an hour. 

"This is the class I'm having problems with," she said to me in the locker room. Her other friend shook her head.

"OH this is Gen by the way Gen this uh,"

"Celestial but call me Cleaste " I shook her hand.

I walked out of the locker room while they finished getting dressed, and, Mark, Nathan, and I waited outside. 

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