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Matpat's pov

I used to be at the top of the class till she showed up. She never talked, she never bragged about her winning, or getting praised. It made me furious. Everyone tried so hard to get her to talk. She never did. So instead they made fun of her name, cause that's what they could go off of. Her perfect chestnut hair, her green eyes.

I walk down the solid steps. In this dark clean and dimly lit room is where I keep all my prize possessions. From shiny golden trophies, that are polished daily and glisten, to blood Vials filled to the brim with monster blood, and the sparkly wings of a fairy.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to a wanted poster. The poster was something I made for Celestial. I reached into my stained-up lab coat and grabbed a scalpel, sharp at the point. I drag it along the picture. "I will see you soon," I said removing the scalpel. I turn away and walk back up the stairs.

Bob left. Jason stayed here. I feed him daily. Stephanie, my girlfriend, is my right man, or woman, whatever you prefer. I turn to my left to the rattling noise of cages. All lined together. Each one is about 8 feet by 13 feet.

"Let us out!" a man with sunken in cheek, deep tired eyes, and an overgrown beard.

I stopped and looked at the man. His eyes were red with green flakes. His head was in between the bars. His boney fingers were wrapped around the black iron bars.

"Why should I," I said with a stern face.

"Be..because I wanna go home." He whined. His dyed green hair was slowly falling out. It needed to be touched up.

"Well a demon like yourself shouldn't go out in public. Especially when you can't control it, Jack"

I noticed his hand was glitching green. I smiled and walked away. To stopped up at the steps, "Don't worry I'll give you some other friends to play with"

I turned my head slightly to notice he was covering his head in fear.

"Matt," said Jazza

I looked up from my desk. His hat was off showing his dirty blonde hair. He wore a red plaid shirt. His rifle was hanging on his back like a satchel bag. He was my go-to guy to get me more experiments subjects.

My eyes met his gray-blue eyes.

"What is your plan"

"I plan to have Jason get Mark occupied just long enough to tire him out. Then, Jason will hit him with this" I held up an empty silver syringe.

"What about that vampire"

"Nathan should be a piece of cake for you guys, don't use your real bullets, I don't want him dead." I point at box labeled vampires. In that neatly organized shoe box were handcuffs and a metal mask that covers the face, so he can't persuade people into letting him go. "Just shoot his feet with bbs. Then you know the rest "

"Now what about Cleastial."

He had to ask that. I turn my head and smile. I slammed the textbook shut as I stood up.

"You just leave her to me."

He nodded and walked off. Cleastal should be the easiest one of my jobs. I just got to act like I'm helping her. Though the only hard thing dealing with her lashers. I've seen what they can do. When she woke up from her transitioning and going from one monster to three. She was trying to strangle Nathan, and she tried to strangle Bob. I notice the two markings on both of their necks. Those lashes are as thick as paper but yet so strong and sharp.

Celeste pov

I saw a vision when I finally stopped running away. The vision had a syringe and handcuffs. I stood there and cried thinking they were for me. Someone was after me.

"Shhh it's OK honey don't cry please." Said a voice. The voice was warm and motherly. I felt the cold hand on my shoulder. I slowly turned around hoping for something that I could cling to and cry. Once I saw that it was my mom I burst into tears even harder. She had two gunshot wounds, one in the head and one on the side of her stomach, and she was missing her fairy wings.

"What did you see hunny," she said trying to pull me in.

"I..I saw a picture of handcuffs and a syringe."

I looked dead in her eyes. And yelled, "I've missed you, I can't do it without you"

"But you've made it so far."

"Ya, Mom I..I think I might have killed someone"

 "Cleaste please don't mention that stuff please."

She is squirmy around that stuff.

"I knew it was a bad idea for them to turn you. Your body can't handle it."

"Mom, would you rather have me be dead," I said

"No." I turned away as she sighed, "Celeste, that's not what I meant. I've been watching over you for a while and your body can't handle being 3 monsters at once. You constantly have nightmares, which can't be good"

I bent down noticing a little rabbit came near me. It was mostly white except for a black spot on its lower back.

"Hey there little one" I whispered as I scooped it up into my arms. The fur was soft and thick. The white ears were as long as the body when it laid back.

I turned slightly and said "Next thing you know, you disapprove of them" as in Nate and Mark.

She stopped talking, she knew I was right. I turned around, so I wouldn't be facing her.

" You know what Mom? They protected me from so much that you wouldn't understand."

I turned back around and looked up, her blue ghostly self was gone. I looked everywhere for her. She couldn't run off, she was a ghost. I looked up at the canopy of branches and leaves. It was dark and the bunny was scared.

My wolf ears twitched, as I heard the wind carry the wolf's sad song. It drifted through the night. Mark misses me. I can almost hear Nathan yelling at him for drawing attention. My body wants to move and let go of the rabbit. But Azia persuaded me with her whispering words.

"You can't go back, Cleastial. You're an outcast now,"

I swallowed, and I started petting the rabbit in hopes of calming me down.

She was right, not after I killed Tyler. 

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