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"Mommy " a little boy cried out, "Daddy"

He looked high and low in the forest they had been getting herbal stuff from The Grove of Trees, a monster's hideout. The tree had claws that would pierce your skin. The lake was full of monster fish that would eat your eyes out. The little boy felt something in the treetops following him. He cried out again, this time scarring the monstrous crows.

"Mumma, Daaaad!" He screamed.

He fell on the tree root. Once he looked up he saw a dark red trail. He followed it as it broke off into two. He followed it as the tree branches growled and shook. He entered a dark hole cave. Drip. Drip. Drip. Grrrrrr.

"Lovely you would join us, little boy," said a scratchy male voice.

The thing's eyes glowed in the dark. It walked closer to the light before it struck a match. The old man held it to his face to see it wasn't human. It had two pointy teeth that hung out of its mouth. The monster took the burning match and threw it into a dusty lantern. Then he threw the lantern into a campfire place. The cave lit up. The little boy looked around seeing more monsters crawling up the wall. The boy's eyes soon fell in the center of the cave. His parents were there. They hang with their eyes ripped out and their blood dripping into a cup. The old vampire crept closer and closer, a man that looked a lot like Nathan jumped in front of the little boy.

"Back off" the man grunted. He was crouched down trying to make him disappear, run away.

"Look, you finally show up to the party, Nathan."

Drip. Drip. Drip. The old vampire grabbed the back of the boy's shirt and yanked him back. Nathan grabbed the hand of the little boy.

"Don't Lay a finger on him, any of you," Nathan shouted out. The vampire that was on the cave wall crawled down and held Nathan down. Nathan struggled in and out of the vampire's grasp. Mathew screamed and dashed toward his parents. Another vampire stepped in his path, trying to catch him.

"Catch him" yelled the old vampire. Nathan then hummed a tune. Mathew ran farther and farther away, never to come back to the forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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