Prologue/authors notes

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Let me give some backstory and background if I can: This story takes place on a planet called Joron, where the good guys had just won a war, but are unaware of another soon to break out.

Nick, who is the main character is a spy for the good federation, he has been trained every since he was 17 years old. That's all I'll give for now cause the story will go over the rest of that, I just want to say that this story, just like my other story, The New Superhero or TNS, was made for fun.

Now that's not to say I didn't put any thought or effort into it, because I did, I just made it for fun, and I plan to make many more stories for fun as well.

I will say however, that parts of this book didn't really work out as I had hoped, turns out that spies aren't my thing, that's why I had to add a dark mage, because normal people just didn't cut it as well.

I did work hard on the ending though. I thank whoever is reading this, I hope you have a wonderful day, I'm glad that you're reading this and I hope you enjoy the story, if not that's ok, I hope I'll get better at this.

Don't expect there to be much, I'm not a professional writer nor am I very good at grammatical stuff, but I try my best.

I hope I described good enough so that you can see the amazing things that this story has. I have spent months trying to perfect this by reading over it over and over to check for errors and to add things.

I have put a lot of hard work and a lot of brain power into this, so I hope you enjoy.

Feel free to leave comments or suggestions. I'll stop rambling and without further ado, here's my book. Thanks for reading.

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