Chapter 6: The Super Weapon

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     I got up and got dressed, I wasn't ready for this day, but since it was here, I had no choice.

I took one last look at the room, still sad about my friends, but they would want me to fight, not sit here and mope around all day.

I then opened the door and started to head down to the entrance of our base, right where a Sevac was parked.

I pushed open the door and into the bright sunlight that shined down on our base.

The warmth from it made me feel good, but it wasn't enough.

I sighed as I walked towards the Sevac and to my new mission, still somewhat scared of what might happen to me.

If my friends died from a crash, would I have the same fate? I wondered.

I keep putting those thoughts at the back of my mind, holding in the emotion, but holding it in, only made it worse.

I walked up to the door of the Sevac and knocked on it, and within seconds Will slid the door open for me.

"Come on in." He said.

I walked inside and Will shut the door behind me.

"Are you ready for this mission?" Tom asked, standing beside Clare.

"Not really." I replied.

"Me neither." Clare said.

"Alright Nick, we should go to the cockpit and meet up with Rick and Trey. Clare, are y'all staying here?" Will asked.

"Yeah." Clare and Tom replied.

"Sounds good, come on Nick." Will said.

We both walked to the cockpit and met up with the others.

Trey was flying while Rick was standing up to the right of Trey.

Trey turned the Sevac on and the Sevac started to hover up into the sky and then we blasted off.

"I have the coordinates plugged in, we'll see what the scouts were talking about soon enough." Trey said.

"Do y'all really think that they can summon a dark mage?" I asked, skeptical of this whole plan.

"It's not about what we think, but rather what Mick thinks. If he wants us to check it out, we have to do what he says." Will replied.

Eventually we saw a huge base on the ground in front of us still far away, we could also see a weird device that they were building.

"Holy moly, is that it?" Rick asked.

"I don't know." Trey replied in a slow confused voice.

As we got closer, the device got more clearer until the point where we could see what it looked like.

The design of the device was simple, it was a huge circle-like thing, flat on the ground and facing upwards into the sky.

It had 2 rings, one in the middle, and one on the outer side of the middle.

The middle ring was smaller than the outer ring.

It also had an orb-looking thing in the center of it all, with four orbs on the sides of the outer ring.

It looked like they were almost finished building it, so we didn't have a lot of time.

"What the heck is that going to summon a dark mage? It's just circles!" Trey wondered.

"Who knows, but Mick wanted it destroyed, so now I guess we destroy it." Will said.

"Not so fast, we're just going to land and find info, and then maybe destroy it, there's no way that thing could do such a thing!" Trey protested.

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