Chapter 4: Operation Find Zagma

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     We all woke up to an announcement from the speakers, "If I could have all Black Birds head down to General Mick's office this instance. I repeat, all Black Birds report to General Mick's office, thank you."

We all groaned, then we put on our gear and started to walk down to Mick's office.

"Ugh, great, I wonder what he wants now." Zach said, dreading what he would say.

"He's probably gonna take our emblems away." Jark said jokingly.

The rest of our crew, Greg, Gary, and Chase, were a little behind us talking to each other as well.

We all walked into this big room and the general was talking to one of the Red Wings.

He then turned and saw us.

"Hello men! I'm so glad you could make it! I didn't interrupt your beauty sleep did I?" Mick said jokingly.

"Ha, ha, very funny and yes, yes you did, I was having a great dream where I didn't need to fight anymore." Zach said somewhat sarcastically.

"That's a dream, this is real life." Mick said.

"Why did you call us down here?" I asked Mick.

"For your new mission. Our scouts were able to get a lead on something, specifically a very special Xenon that we think is the one that Zagma used to escape, they think it could be very helpful in finding out where Zagma is. Let's walk over here, I have something to show y'all that will help get my point across." Mick replied.

He walked over to a table in the corner of the room and pulled out a rolled up map; he then placed it onto the table and unfolded it.

We all walked over to the table with him and looked at what he was doing very closely.

The map was a rough draft of what the area around us and them would look like.

Even though it was 2d it was enough for Mick to get his point across.

There were many places on the map, including some of our bases, trees, etc, all with labels.

He then pointed to one area in particular, an opening in the middle of trees that surrounded it.

"Our scouts believe that there's a base in this area right here," he said, putting his index finger in the middle of the opening, then continuing, "not only because it's open, but because they think that they saw Zagma's special Xenon parked there. We believe it's the one he jumped into when he escaped." Mick explained.

"How do we know this isn't a trap?" Zach asked.

"That's the thing, we don't, we'll just have to hope it isn't. But just in case we have the Red Wings to help y'all.

We also have gear and other equipment for this mission. I will now explain how this will go. Luckily our scouts were able to get more than a map, they also got the coordinates for the base. Your mission, Black Birds, is to fly over to that base, land, go inside, investigate and to infiltrate it.

Then you check the entire building until you find Zagma, if he is not there however, you are to report back to base and tell ME what exactly you found. But if you do find Zagma however, you will bring him back for questioning, after that's done and we have enough information, we will kill him. Do you understand?" Mick asked.

"Yes sir!" We said in unison.

"Good! Now for the approach, you will blow up the front door, lock pick the second, and do more lock picking and damage for anything else, then find Zagma and take him to me. Otherwise, if Zagma isn't there, when y'all leave and have as much intel as needed, y'all will blow the base up. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir!" We said in unison again.

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