Chapter 12: The Final Staw

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     We woke up to a new mission, to destroy the mine that the front desk guy had found by using high tech binoculars to scan the area.

We all got up and walked outside to the front of the building, toward a parked Sevac.

"Well, let's make Mick proud." I said.

We got inside of the Sevac and blasted off toward the mine's location, once there, we parked right in front of it.

"Okay, time to get out and inside." Trey said, turning around from the front of the Sevac and walking towards the exit.

We followed until I saw what seemed to be a taser on the wall to the right of us, it caught my eye.

"Hey, wait." I said, walking towards the taser.

"What?" Will asked.

"Why don't we take this taser with us." I suggested.

I grabbed the taser and took it off of the wall.

"What do we need a taser for?" Will questioned.

"Yeah we have guns." Trey said.

"We can taser the guy in charge. Might make it easier to take him in for interrogation, then we kill him." I replied.

"That actually sounds like a solid plan." Trey said, impressed.

"And if it fails?" Will asked.

"Then it fails, listen this is all we got." I replied.

"Alright fine, grab it and let's get out of here." Trey said.

So I put the taser in my pocket and Trey opened the door of the Sevac slowly before stopping.

"Wait, let's get our rifles ready, there could be guards patrolling the area." Trey said.

We all un-holstered our guns and got them ready to shoot anyone guarding the place, inside or out.

Once we were ready we walked out of the Sevac slowly, our rifles in hand, and the intention of guards being there ready to shoot us on sight.

Suspiciously, no guards were around the outside of the base, and surprisingly that it was an above ground area, a building to be specific.

"I guess this place isn't that important to them." Will said.

"That, or they didn't expect us to find it." I said.

We walked to the door and lowered our aim, getting ready to break in.

"I'm going to bust this door down." Trey said.

"That's your plan? Make as much noise as possible so that everyone inside knows who to shoot?" I asked.

"You got a better plan?" Trey replied.

"No." I said.

"That's what I thought, now, I'm going to kick open this door, we're going to run inside, capture the guy, and go from there. I'm going to do it on 1, 3...2...1! Go!" Trey yelled.

He shot the lock off and then he kicked open the door and we aimed our guns at everyone in there as we walked in.

"Who's your boss?!" Trey yelled.

The place was unlike anything that I had ever seen.

There was a conveyor belt coming from the underground up to the inside of the building and to a container where the ion cubes were being dropped off of the conveyor belt and into the container.

"Hey! Who are y'all?!" A man questioned, he had run into the room we were in.

"Kiber Federation, and we're here to destroy this place and stop this little project you're working on! Are you the man in charge?" I yelled.

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