Chapter 8: A Different Dimension

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     I woke up in a mysterious place, it was dark with dark clouds, almost like a black void.

Then Revous appeared in front of me and I took the sword off of my back and swung at him.

He backed up and dodged it.

"Now, now, Nick, let's not get too excited. I know that you're all for killing me, but now we wait." He said.

"You liar! I should've listened to that note! Logan said not to trust you!" I yelled in annoyance and rage.

"Yes, yes you should have, but you didn't and now you're here. Sounds like your problem." He said.

"I'm going to kill you and when I do-" I was saying before he forced choked me and lifted me up into the air.

"What? What are you possibly going to do?! Play rock paper scissors with me and see who wins?! Because if you've forgotten, I'm the one with the most power here, and I'm not afraid to use it! You are nothing compared to me! Don't you ever forget!" He yelled.

Then he dropped me to the ground, making me gasp for air vigorously.

But when I hit the floor the dark void was suddenly gone and I was now in a huge hallway with a door far away in front of me.

I stood up and looked around, confused as I had just gone from being in a dark void to being in what had seemed like a building. 

Revous had teleported me here, and I had no idea why.

I walked forward toward the door, curious as to what would be on the other side, but I was also a little bit cautious when opening the door.

I opened the door and walked into a huge room with a weird device in the middle of it.

Revous stood before me, his back to me as he gazed upon the device.

The room was stark white, but I could feel his presence all over the room, almost like he was looking at me from every corner of the room.

The device was black with hints of gray, it looked almost like a cannon that faced upward.

He placed his left hand down on the device and it started to hum with energy.

"You don't know what you're doing. Logan didn't either, and that's why everyone hated him, because he created something that could have solved their problems, and then he tried to take it away. But they didn't let him, so they made sure he couldn't try again, so they killed him." Revous said, his voice low but powerful, yet he was still facing away from me.

"What are you trying to say? That I'm like Logan?" I asked.

"In some cases, yes, but very few." He replied.

"But Logan knew we what he was doing, he knew that you would destroy the world, so he tried to stop it from happening." I said.

"That's what he did wrong, he tried to stop it, but he failed." He said.

"What does this have to do with us?" I asked.

"You're Logan, and I'm the weapon, you won't stop me, you can't stop me." He replied.

"Why are you comparing?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it." He replied.

"I read what Logan did, and I won't make the same mistake!" I said.

"Interesting, because that's exactly how Logan began to think, before he was killed." He said.

Then he turned around to face me, he had a threatening stare in his eyes.

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