Chapter 2: An Air Attack

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     We all woke up to an announcement that was made from the many speakers in the building.

"Can our Black Birds please come to sector 12J?"

Me and the rest of our group were now starting to head to sector 12J.

There are many other groups, such as the Ground Force, or the Red Wings, and 3 others.

"I wonder if we're having a meeting." I said.

"Maybe we'll finally be able to actually fight against real bad guys." Zach said.

We talked as we walked closer and closer to the entrance of sector 12J, which was just another room.

As soon as we took one more step towards the door, *BOOM* The wall to the left of me exploded and everyone next to me was sent flying back.

In a burst of flames that lasted for seconds, the flames blew towards me and I felt the heat hit my body.

Debris was thrown all around and my back was slammed hard into the wall behind me.

Smoke engulfed the whole area in seconds after the explosion, we were all coughing from the smoke intake.

Explosions were starting to be heard all around us outside, it seemed that we were being attacked from the air just like what happened to Ralph.

Then with the scorching heat coming off of the flames in front of us giving off warmth, then the ceiling began to crack, and fall.

The floor beneath me cracked and broke and in the moment my heart skipped a beat and fear and adrenaline began to run through me.

When the floor broke my hands instantly reached for the other part of the floor but I couldn't hang on for long.

"Help!" I screamed.

My hands were starting to slip but luckily Zach heard me and had enough strength to jump up and try to help me.

As my hands slipped and I fell, Zach reached out and I grabbed a hold of his hand and hung on as hard as I could.

My feet dangled in mid air, I couldn't believe this was happening, I didn't want to believe it.

"Don't worry, Nick I have you and I won't let go!" Zach yelled, tears starting to come down his face.

"You won't be able to hold me for long! You might as well just let me go!" I replied, tears now flowing down my face.

"No! Black Birds never let their teammates die! Remember what Mick said, I will not let this happen! If we try we'll get through this together!" He yelled.

He then tried his hardest to pull me up, so hard that he groaned in pain as if he was lifting up a huge tree branch that was 3 feet taller than his body.

"I can't!" He yelled, straining his voice and arms.

"I'll be fine! Go to Mick, tell him what has happened to me, and make sure that everyone else is ok! Don't forget me!" I yelled.

Eventually he had no choice but to let go because he didn't have enough strength to hold me up any longer.

I fell down the hole and into our basement.

I looked up at the destruction above, I saw Zach's face before he left to check on the others, no one else fell but me.

I then slammed into the floor and fell unconscious for a few seconds before awakening in excruciating pain, my face pointing towards the ground.

I tried to get up, my arms wobbling as I tried to push my body upwards almost like a push-up.

"Gahhh! Aaahhhh!" I groaned in pain.

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