Chapter 1: The Black Birds

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     "Never leave a teammate behind." Is what I was always told in the many years of training to be the best I could be, hi, I'm Nick, a super secret spy.

I live on the planet Joron and I had just become a spy when I was 17 years old. For 16 years I've been training my skills in the field and trying to get better.

We had a code, the GCO we called it, or The Great Codes of Ourcons. This was a book of sorts that had important information such as, where we would go next, our plans, where our bases are located and more.

Our general, Mick, is the one in charge of this whole base where we sleep, eat, and train at, this is also the base where the GCO is, and we need to keep it safe.

Today however, we were all training with wooden swords, acting like they were real swords.

"And how is a wooden sword going to help us wield an actual sword?" Jark winned. Jark was one of my friends, his funny personality mixed with his whiny voice was sometimes annoying to listen to.

"It's not about wielding swords, it's about the technique and timing, how you're going to swing the sword, how much force, a lot of stuff goes into it then just wielding a sword. Plus if you had actual swords, you might poke someone's eye out." Mick joked.

"Are we ever going to use swords? Like in actual combat?" Zach asked. Zach was another one of my friends, he was almost exactly like Jark in the humor department, but was often very serious about things involving rules, etc.

"Maybe one day, but until then we must train with them. I remember when I first used my sword back in the Dorgon Wars. I was quite a fighter, you know." Mick said. Jark sighed hard and I rolled my eyes at Mick.

"Yes, yes, we know. You've told us many times before about how you were in the Dorgon Wars. But those days are over Mick, we're at peace now." Zach said.

"I'm afraid not, I've gotten word about this supposed 'federation' being formed by some unknown people that might be from the Dorgon Wars. That's why I was thinking that we should make our own federation, and our own groups." Mick explained.

I was swinging my wooden sword at one of the dummies until I stopped after hearing what he said.

"Groups? Federation? Can you put me, Jark, and Zach all in the same group?" I asked.

"Sure, but each group will have 6 different people who will all work together as one team. Now, we'll talk more later, and get back to training!" Mick explained.

"Hey Jark, I bet I can beat you in a sword fight." I challenged Jark.

"You're on!" He replied. We started swinging our swords at each other and we were laughing in the process.

"And that's why we don't use real swords!" Mick pointed out.

We trained for another hour or so before going into the next thing, training how to pilot our specialized aircraft/spacecraft. We call them Sevac's, their design isn't too different from a regular airplane, the difference being that these things can hover into the air and do anything a spacecraft can do. And we didn't really do simulations either, we would get into the aircraft, sit down in the cockpit on the drivers side, and Mick would be in the passenger seat.

Even though Mick was our general, he insisted on being with us for every training session, even if that meant being in the aircraft with us. Sometimes we wished that one of the co-workers would teach us, because Mick can be one scary guy.

"Put your seatbelts on." Mick said. I put the seatbelts on and got ready for the next instructions, while staring out of the window trying to avoid eye contact with Mick.

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