Chapter 5: The Crash

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     I jolted awake as an announcement was made on the intercom's, "THIS IS NOT A DRILL! I WANT EVERY BLACK BIRD AND RED WING DOWN HERE IMMEDIATELY!! I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!"

"UGH!!" We all groaned.

We all flopped out of bed and got our gear on as we started to head down to Mick's office.

"What's happening General?!" Jark asked.

"Oh good, y'all got down here in time! The reason I called you, and the Red Wings down here is because our Vold Base is under attack! Says that the Victor Federation has started to attack them from the air!" Mick said urgently.

"Oh great, I guess Zagma was right about them attacking us. How do we get there? What's the plan?" I asked.

"We don't have time, there's a Sevac parked just outside with the rest of your team and with the Red Wings, they'll tell you everything. So go!" Mick yelled.

We all rushed out to the front of our building where the Sevac was.

The door to the Sevac was open and Greg was standing outside of it.

"Get ln! Hurry!" Greg yelled at us.

We ran toward the Sevac and hopped inside, after that Greg ran inside and quickly shut the door behind him.

We were all breathing heavily from running.

We saw Peirson, Ty, and Eric standing inside looking at us.

Greg walked to the cockpit and quickly told the pilot that we were ready to go.

The Sevac hovered up into the air, turned around, and blasted off, away from the building.

We went left of the front of the building, toward the Vold base.

"This is not how I expected my morning to go." I said, exasperated.

"Yeah, no kidding!" Jark replied.

"You can say that again!" Eric said.

I decided to walk to the cockpit while everyone else stayed at the back.

Once I got to the cockpit I saw the attack, Xenons flying towards the base, some exploding others not, it looked like what they did to our base.

Smoke filled the air, it was thick, but we were still able to see through it, it looked bad, really bad.

"Oh no, we might be too late, it looks like they're losing." Greg said.

Some smoke cleared and a Xenon appeared from it, it was looking right at us, almost as if it had been looking at us before the smoke dissipated.

"Ok, now there's a Xenon facing us, but I have no idea why." Greg said.

"I don't know either, but it can't be good!" I said.

Just then the missile detector started to beep like crazy, and we saw smoke coming from the Xenon's missile container thing.

"Umm, guys, it's detecting a missile coming from that Xenon!" I said urgently.

"I hear it." Greg replied.

"Then press the button to take it out!" I yelled.

Greg looked for the button furiously until he found it and pressed it, but it was too late.


A missile hit the right wing and blew it straight off, pushing everyone and everything to the left, hitting the wall.

The pilot furiously tried to get the Sevac to calm down but it was no use and then the Sevac started to fly in a circle, but as he struggled to get it straightened back it started to zig zag while the wing was on fire.

"Dang it! Frick!" Greg yelled in frustration.

"What's going on?!" Peirson yelled from behind us with everyone else walking toward the cockpit wondering the same thing.

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