About how much I love you

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Y/N is Rosé's mistress for two years. Before that, she was her girlfriend. They met at a French restaurant. Y/N was a waitress working there to pay off her school debt whereas Rosé was there to enjoy her dinner with her friends.

It was love at first sight.

Rosé didn't think twice to ask for Y/N's number and lucky for her, Y/N liked her too. They then started talking and when the time was right, Rosé asked Y/N to be her girlfriend.

They kept their relationship very lowkey. Only a few of their best friends knew about it. Mostly because Rosé was born in a reputable family and she can't risk having anyone else to know about her relationship with Y/N.

Since Rosé's dad was a politician with great power in Korea, it didn't come out as a surprise that her whole life was planned and she didn't have much freedom. But that didn't matter. As long as she was with Y/N, she could ignore all the problems and Y/N was her comfort person. She means a lot to her. 

"Hey, baby,"
Rosé was just done having dinner with her family and the atmosphere there was tense. She felt much better when she came to Y/N's apartment.

Y/N greeted her warmly.

"It's been a long day,"
Rosé settles down beside Y/N while Y/N puts up their favourite show.


Rosé nods and snuggles closer to Y/N.

"You want to go home and sleep?"
Rosé never had a sleepover at Y/N's apartment because she was scared that someone caught her and exposed her relationship with Y/N online. She believes that the only way to keep Y/N in her life is to hide their relationship underground. 

"Nah, it's fine. I want to spend some time with you,"
She hadn't seen Y/N for a week since she was too busy with her work.

Y/N smiles sweetly and pecks on her forehead.

"I love you,"
Rosé hugs her girlfriend tighter and showers her shoulder with light pecks.

"Love you too,"

They are halfway through the show and Y/N has already fallen asleep on Rosé's shoulder. Her phone starts buzzing in the middle of their peaceful moment. She picks up the call and goes to another side of the room so that she wouldn't wake Y/N up.


"Come back home right now,"
Her father demands at the opposite of the call.

"But I am on something right now,"

"This is important,"

"Can you just tell me what is going on now?"
Rosé urges. She doesn't want to end her sweet moment with Y/N so soon. 

"You are getting married next month. I want you to meet your fiancé,"

"What do you mean I am getting married?"

"It is what it is. He is the best person for you. Come back home as soon as possible so that we can talk about it,"

"I am not marrying him! I am not going to marry someone I don't even know,"

"It's not an option. I am telling you, not asking you,"
With that, he hangs up the call and Rosé is left dumbfounded. Rosé doesn't even get the time to process what just happened and she is suddenly getting married?

Y/N has woken up because of the noise and she looks at the blonde in confused. It seemed like she heard everything just now.


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