Chapter 5

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Elvis-not-Elvis didn't seem phased when Night leveled the shotgun at his head.

"Who the fuck are you?" Night demanded.

Lassiter half-heartedly raised his hands to show he didn't hold a weapon. "That's immaterial. What's important here is Mehnace's impending transition."

Night's nostrils flared, and his eyes narrowed as he took closer aim. "Again, who are you?"

"It's a long story, and I'm freezing my nads off in this get-up. Can I come in?" Lassiter said.


The angel sighed and snapped his fingers, changing from Elvis' Bedazzled Vegas Jumpsuit™ into a hot pink ski-bunny-esque parka complete with snow pants tucked into sequin-slathered Uggs. He reached back to flip up the fur-trimmed hood and drew the drawstring tight, leaving only a small circle for his eyes. His hands were bare, but fortunately, lime green mittens were hanging from his wrists. He eyed Night as he pulled them on, then leaned over to sneak a peek around the ex-Brother. When he spied Ace just down the hall, he waved.

Ace returned the motion with a confused wave of his own.

Straightening, he pierced Night with his startling white-with-a-blue-ring eyes. "You know he's got less than a year, right?"

"Dad?" Ace called. "Everything alright?"

"Go back to the kitchen, Ace. I've got this." He resisted rolling his eyes when he heard the clomp of Ace's boots walk up behind him. Damned young. Never has listened.

Ace put his hand on his sire's shoulder. "Dad, put down the gun. I don't think he's here for that."

"Wise kid." Lassiter nodded. "Now, we're wasting time, and you're letting all the heat out. Stop being rude and offer me a hot beverage or something."

Ace gestured. "Yeah, sure, come on in."

Night lowered the shotgun and stepped back out of the doorway. Lassiter was so puffy, he all but waddled across the threshold.

"So, who are you?" Ace asked, walking the angel down the hall.

"Lassiter. I'm... hmm... I guess you can call me the Guardian of the race." He began to strip off the puffer-fish of an outfit, revealing a more sedate ensemble of red leather pants and black tank top, showing off his lean, muscular build. It would have been drop-dead sexy if he hadn't shoved his feet back into the Uggs.

Night contemplated shooting him still but decided to close the door instead. He trailed behind them as they turned the corner into the spacious kitchen, stowing the weapon back in its rack as he did.

"I thought that was the Scribe Virgin's job?" Ace said, glancing at his sire. He lit the flame under the frying pan full of bacon, then prepped the remaining pan for the eggs.

"It is the Mother's job, yes," Night insisted.

"Well, it is, and it isn't," Lassiter offered as he slid into a chair at the kitchen table. "She's retired. I'm her successor."

Night grabbed him by the throat faster than the eye could follow. He squeezed as he picked the long-haired freak up off the floor. "You will not, in any way, defame the Scribe Virgin, or I will kill you where you stand," he growled.

Great iridescent wings unfurled into all their glory behind Lassiter, and he began to glow. Night dropped him like a hot rock, standing wide-eyed for several seconds before scowling again.

A loud pop from the sizzling bacon startled Ace out of his shocked stillness, and he turned off the burner. The meal might not get cooked at all.

Lassiter furled his wings and tossed his hair before sitting. He waved a hand, filling the table with food: french toast, eggs, bacon, with coffee at three, and tea, in a bright yellow mug with a llama in sunglasses, at the fourth.

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