Chapter 16

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Night turned his attention to his plate and occupied himself by unfolding his napkin to place it in his lap. He tried to ignore Phury as he approached the table from the other side and worked to not scowl at the fact he would be sitting opposite him for the meal. It became more challenging when another female met him at his chair, and he kissed her, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear after he did. Night sighed. Jealousy didn't become him, and he was determined to at least behave for the evening.

Phury turned to him. "Night, I'd like to introduce my shellan, the Chosen Cormia."

Night blinked. "Shellan? But, you are the Primale," he blurted before he could stop himself.

The smile that spread across the Primale's face was genuine, and, as he looked back at Cormia, Night saw what he had not seen before: Phury loved the Chosen at his side.

"Yes. But I take only Cormia as my mate. We are a bonded pair." He kissed her forehead before addressing Night again as he pulled out her chair and seated her. "I have set the Chosen free, as it were, to leave the Sanctuary and pursue their own lives and interests, should they so choose. The Brothers are all mated, so there is little need for... well, for services offered in the past. Many Chosen still offer themselves for feeding, when needed, since we need that."

Night cocked an eyebrow. "Really?" He couldn't help but glance in Tarra's direction. By the grin Phury gave him as he settled into his chair, he knew that the Brother had caught the look.

"Yes. Really. Though, I act as protector for them, especially those still living in the Sanctuary or who have recently left."

Nodding, Night sipped from his water glass. He was trying not to fidget, but it was a task; he was nervous. "I hope everyone will forgive any blunders I make or inadvertently direct Mehnace to make. I—we—have a lot of catching up to do."

"We are a fairly casual lot around here," explained the female beside V, "despite the formality of dinner. If I can fit in, then you can, too."

He inclined his head toward her. "My thanks to you. I am Night, and this is my son, Mehnace. We call him Ace for short."

"I'm Jane. Vishous," she explained as she smiled at V, "is my hellren, and I am one of the doctors on staff for the Brothers."

"Wow. There's a whole medical staff?" Ace said around a mouthful of fresh-baked bread. Night scowled at him, and he swallowed. "Can I see your facility sometime?"

Jane brightened. "Yep, we've got a staff of four." She began to point out various people at the table. "There's Manny, who is mated to Payne, V's sister. There's Sarah, who just joined us, mated to Murhder. And then Ehlena is our nurse. She's mated to Rehvenge. We have a clinic and surgical rooms at the training center."

Ace sighed. "I will never remember all these names," he grumbled.

"I doubt they'll make us pass a quiz," Night reassured him with a chuckle. He allowed the doggen to pour his wine for the first course.

"What are you pouring for us tonight?" he asked Fritz, who was pouring the wine himself for the King and his guests.

Fritz beamed, delighted to be acknowledged for the service. "This is a Pinot Gris from Villa Amoroso. Please, do tell me what you think."

He studied the color, a beautiful pale golden hue, perfectly clear. When he sipped, he was delighted by the crispness and said so. "I taste hints of citrus, pears, and ginger. Spectacular!" As the doggen set the French Onion soup before him, he approved of the pairing; the wine would be an excellent complimenter of the caramelized onions.

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