Chapter 5 : A temporary Home

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5: A Temporary Home

"I want..." Kaew pouted as he looked at Carl grabbing something in his big palm.


"If I can't have it, can I just suck it?" His bright eyes looked up begging.

Carl swallowed hard, trying to resist the urge. If I let this dog, well, I mean this boy will be too spoiled. And that's bad parenting. Calm Down, Carl. Play it cool.

"Can I? Please... just only a little bit. Maybe just a lick? Please? Please..." Kaew offered the alternatives with such a sweet voice, his right hand wiping his drooling mouth.

"No means no," said firmly the man in his late 30s. His sharp eyes looked back at the salesperson before returning a bag of chocolate cookies to him.

The boy looked at it longingly. He gave up wanting all of these sweet treats as Carl was about to walk away. You can't get rid of me now, Mr. Carl. You're an eye-catcher, not to mention that he's also tall with a great body. Whenever he takes off his suit and only has his white shirt on, that's when I can see his beautiful muscle...

"You're so cruel." Kaew walked unsteadily as his hip was hurt from the incident earlier.


"Didn't you just say that I can eat whatever I want?" His small hand grabbed the end of Carl's shirt, and his voice shattered.


"If I could have that, I would definitely feel better from the pain though."

"No means no. Don't you know that chocolate is bad for you?" Carl scolded.

Luckily, he had read about this earlier. Chocolate was made from cacao seeds which contained Theobromine. This substance was non-toxic for humans but it was dangerous for dogs. If they consumed it, they would start vomiting, getting diarrhea, weakening the muscle, and increasing their heartbeats. The worst-case scenario, it could lead to death.

And this werewolf boy was whining about eating it.

"I know. But if it was only just a tiny bite, it wouldn't hurt... I guess." Kaew surrendered.

Carl didn't reply. He led Kaew to the famous steak house. If Carl didn't go somewhere else, he might have ended up taking this boy back to get the chocolate, letting him eat it in the car while parking in front of the best animal hospital in Bangkok.

Let's turn back to what happened before this boy was whining about chocolate in the luxury department store here.

Carl looked at the pale boy in his suit and let out a sigh. The boy patted his hip lightly, looking concerned whenever he looked at Carl. Once the car stopped at the red light, the boy who was about to say something suddenly shifted his mood, widening his eyes at the big signages advertising food, clothes, and random stuff.

"Can we go there?" Kaew pointed at the big department store not too far from both of them.

"Aren't you hurt? We should see a doctor first."

"Not anymore. I'm hungry. And I want to buy something too." He put his legs up on the seat and held them with his arms. The AC in this Tayla is so cold.

The man looked away from the boy to pay attention to the traffic. Next to him, Kaew was being all fidgety as if he would drive past the entrance of the department store. Carl eventually gave up and turned his car to the parking lot. The security guard quickly helped him and led the way to the VIP parking zone.

"You wait for me here. I'll get you some clothes." Carl gave some tip to the guard, shooting him a sharp glance as he was trying to sneak a peek inside his car.

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