Chapter 11 : What if

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11: What ifWhat did you think Kaew would have faced once he met Mr. Carl?What if this story was an action mafia-related genre...?Carl's fellows found Kaew almost in a heartbeat because of the spy device attached to Kaew's backpack. Once he got out of the dog shelter, he was pushed into a sack and carried to a van with black film insulation, heading back to the mafia immediately.Kaew woke up and the sun was already set. The werewolf Kaew became a human without any clothes on. He was shivering, terrified from the killing aura from the tall man who was standing and smoking a cigar not too far from him. The man's white shirt was unbuttoned revealing his strong chest muscle. The sleeves were folded up to the man's elbows while his eyes stared straight at the boy who grabbed a sack to cover himself."Where do you think you're going?" he lowered his voice."...""I ask, so you must answer me." Carl stepped forward slowly and stopped right in front of the boy who kept looking down."...""Answer me!" Carl's big palm grabbed the boy's pale cheeks, forcing Kaew to meet him in the eyes. Kaew's full lips were dried out from dehydration. They were chapped and covered in blood."...""Stupid you." Carl pushed his hand away from the stubborn boy.The atmosphere between them was intense. The mafia pressured the boy with silence while Kaew pressed his lips into a straight line, breathing in deeply trying to give himself courage."Dom... You didn't do anything to him, right?"Carl's dark eyes were full of the fire of anger as he heard Kaew's words, burning his temper. This wasn't what Carl wanted to hear.The man grabbed Kaew in his arm and pulled his naked body over before throwing him to the couch. It was too hard that Kaew couldn't say a word."How dare you? How dare you be so brave yet so stupid, huh? Why? Are you so worried about that man?" Carl straddled over Kaew who kept avoiding eye contact, locking the boy onto the couch with his body."It wasn't Dom's fault. It was me that... Mmm!?"Carl's thin lips pressed against Kaew's, forcing him to swallow his words into a kiss. He grabbed both of Kaew's claws with one hand before putting them over the boy who was trying to escape."From now on, the only thing I want to hear is your moan!!!"Carl forced another kiss. Kaew tried hard to escape. Carl licked his nipples, and Kaew bit him back. A lot of touching, squeezing, and rubbing here and there. Leaving a mark on claiming the ownership. More kisses and more fights.NCNCNCBut what if this story was a light-hearted genre...?Carl sighed, feeling exhausted while looking at this four-leg furball who was sleeping like a baby next to the guard house. Fortunately, he attached a spy device to Kaew's backpack so he could find this werewolf boy right on time.In his chest, his cold heart was beating insanely. He admitted that he was so scared if something happened to this Bangkaew werewolf, an apple in his eye, he wouldn't be able to live his life ever.He couldn't blame Dom for this incident. It was him being so jealous that he ordered such stupid commands. Next time, he should have listened to what people said and been more reasonable.No way that he would lose Kaew out of his sight ever again!Carl kneed on the floor next to the dog who was sleeping tight. He picked the dog up in his strong arms gently as if Kaew was such a fragile glass doll. This boy must have been tired after a hot and long day outside."Let's get back to our home, Kaew. I'll give you everything you want," Carl's thin lips pressed on the werewolf's fluffy head."Mmm... water," the boy moaned, his throat dry."Take a sip slowly," Carl held Kaew in his arms, helping him up from bed.The boy took a sip from a glass. The man's black eyes were full of concern, waited for Kaew to drink half of a glass before laying the boy back to bed again. His long fingers wiped off waterdrops at the corner of Kaew's pink mouth."I... I..." Kaew's brown eyes were full of tears."Sweetie, why are you crying?""I'm afraid you'll be mad at me." The boy snuggled himself up under a blanket.Carl sighed and lay down next to the crying baby before embracing him in his chest, letting the werewolf boy wipe tears with his white shirt."Don't you know I'm so worried about you?""Yeah.""I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you.""But it's my fault." Kaew looked at Carl who was patting his head and comforting him."What did I do wrong? Why did you run away? Tell me and I promise I'll do better as long as you're with me," Carl's low voice was lightly shaking."I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be with you, with my Carl," the boy spoke hurriedly. It burned him inside knowing he hurt Carl.The werewolf lost his control over his human form as the wave of emotions from the man who was holding him was too overwhelming to handle. Kaew's big pointy ears and fluffy tail appeared and they dropped as he was sad too. His pale hands held Carl's gorgeous face and looked him in the eyes. Carl's black eyes shivered, showing his emotional side."I'm yours." Kaew reached out and gently pressed his lips against Carl's.Words could never describe the emotions they had right now. The boy's arm held on to the man's neck and pulled him over for another kiss as Carl was too hesitant. His shape fangs bit on Carl's bottom lip, asking for permission to go further. And the man finally accepted that request.Slow and soothing touches. Slowly but steadily. Push and pull. Gentle bites before licking and comforting. Every touch was delicate, warm, and tender.NCNCNCForgiveness without excuse. Love without explanation. Just a happy ending and happily ever after.Well... Y'all needed to chill. This was what happened.Kaew arrived home even before Carl. The secretary put the backpack next to the door before telling him with a serious tone that Carl was in an important meeting but he would be straight back home as soon as he finished his work."There's dinner in the fridge so you can warm it." He shook his head at the information that his boss told him to share with the dog.He was talking to the dog, wasn't he? But whatever. This was work and he just needed to do what he was told. Well... As per Carl's order, he also needed to leave before sunset. Alright, he would call it a day. It was time to go home and take a shower after a long day.The Bangkaew pushed the door to his room open with his head before jumping in quickly. In a split second, he was standing tall in front of the mirror, both of his hands and his feet were covered with dirt, and his whole body was full of dust. The smell of the dog shelter was so strong that Kaew decided to take a bath, poured lavender shower gel in, and made himself a bubble bath before going all in.Even though his body could relax but his mind was a hot mess. He wasn't afraid that Carl would be mad at him or that he would punish him. But he was so afraid of the moonlight tonight. Although he couldn't see it, it was taking a toll on him.The way the moon affected the rise and fall of water level was the same as it affected werewolves, especially our instincts.His hyper-sensitive ears heard a door opening and closing. The familiar footstep stopped right in front of his door. Kaew made some noise in the bath, giving a sign to the person from the other side of the door that he was taking a bath and he wasn't expecting any guests there.Carl stared at the closed door. He initially wanted to call the boy to talk it out right now, but the angel side of him told him to wait patiently.He wanted to wait until Kaew was ready to open up to him. But waiting wasn't in his usual element. Half of the night was past and he still couldn't shut his eyes and his mind to sleep. In the end, he decided to walk over to the kitchen to get something to drink.The man in his white pajamas was holding and swirling an amber glass in his hand. The bitterness burned down to his throat. The moonlight on this full moon night shined through the light curtains into the room. His sharp eyes looked over the door that was completely closed since he came back home. That stubborn kid would probably pass out and sleep like a log since he didn't even come out to have his dinner."Ummm.""...""Uh... Mmmm." The voice came out of Kaew's room.The man silently walked over to the source of that voice. It sounded so uncomfortable as it went up and down from time to time. Carl frowned as he heard the sound of rubbing against fabrics. Was Kaew sick or something?"Kaew.""Ah.""Kaew, what's wrong?""Mister... Ah, I... I..." Kaew's voice was shaking."I'm coming in, okay?"Carl decided to open the door after waiting outside the room for a while. Kaew was curling up in bed under a blanket, whining in his throat. Kaew's movement concerned Carl so he pulled that blanket over to check up on the werewolf boy."You..."The boy covered his face with both hands. His fair skin turned pink. With a slight touch from Carl, he was already jumping away."You're getting sick."Carl tried to move Kaew's hands away but he kept shaking his head. The white t-shirt that Kaew was wearing was damped from his sweat and it almost turned transparent. His legs outside his shorts were burning. You're this sick but still too stubborn to tell me, Carl complained."You... Ah, you should get out," his voice was shaking as he breathed heavily."Don't be so stubborn now, Kaew," Carl scolded."Get out...""Let me take care of you.""I... I..." Kaew started crying, his blushing face shaking as to reject."I'll get a doctor. You..."Before Carl could finish his word, Kaew suddenly jumped over, pinning him in bed. Those brown eyes were teary while Kaew's full lips partially opened for fresh air. His four sharp fangs appeared at sight in his mouth. Suddenly, his pointy ears plopped out through his black-pitch hair and his big tail pushed through his shorts, waving."Kaew!""Grrr, ugh...""Are you shifting and eating me alive?" Carl pulled himself together. His sharp eyes glanced over, seeking a way out and his weapons."Ughh... Mmmm..." Kaew twisted himself in pain. His body was at high temperature while his human consciousness was in a blur as his werewolf instinct was taking over him."..!.."Kaew used his full force and press his nose against Carl's neck. He pushed his hip over Carl's thighs, making the man who was about to knock this werewolf down immediately paused. Carl felt something rock-hard under Kaew's soft shorts."Waaa, I am... I am...""You are?" Carl frowned."I'm in heat.""You... what?""Nggg, I'm in heat."Carl's stern eyes widened. He had just read about male dogs in heat not too long ago and found that it would affect their behaviors such as being more aggressive or not listening to orders because their desire was too high. This rock-hard part over Carl's thighs was solid evidence. According to the research, the strong sexual desire was usually from pheromones of female dogs. But where did he get the smell of female dogs?This werewolf boy was so small yet so unexpectedly strong. Kaew took in the scent from Carl's neck. His small hands now turned into sharp claws, trying to pin Carl's wrists down while the man was trying to push him away. Kaew pushed his round hips over the man again.Carl looked at Kaew's reaction, clearly ready to mate.Don't tell me that...He thinks I am the female!?

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