Chapter 4 : So suspicious

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"How comes he wants a dog now?" A man in an all-black suit wiped off the sweat on his forehead, one of his arms holding a fluffy dog who was trying to scratch a big window in a car.

"Dom, we'll never understand how rich people think. Just obey and do whatever they say." Another man who was driving replied with laughter.

"That's right. As a newbie here, you're quite smart," said Dom. He was usually in charge of the security team but now ended up locking his arm with the dog's neck.

"I'm following the location in the GPS here?" The driver asked.

"Yeah. Alright, doggy, we'll get you all clean." Dom talked to the furball in his arm.

"Woof woof."

"Don't you talk back. If you want to be with our boss, you need to be extremely clean." He said firmly. Everyone knows how strict our boss is.

"Woof woof." But I don't want to stay. Let me go. I want to travel the world.

"You know the dog language now, Dom?" the driver laughed.

"Well, this furball seems smart for a dog." His big hand patted the dog all over.

"Speaking about the boss, I've never seen Mr. Carl in person before. Is his schedule always this busy? I've noticed the rotation of his different drivers."

"It's only his secretary who knows his schedule. We need to strengthen our security recently."

"Is it because of what happened in Macau?" The driver's eyes behind his sunglasses looked up at the rear-view mirror.

"..." Kaew could feel the weight of Dom's hand and the way his shoulder tensed.

"I've heard bodyguards talking about it earlier."

"If you want to keep this job, you'd better act as if you're blind or deaf," Dom warned him.

"I just want to have a small talk with you. Look at what we're doing now, taking a dog to a salon?" The driver laughed sheepishly.

The Bangkaew instinct told Kaew to stop trying to jump out of the car to pay attention to the conversation between these men.

"Good boy. Stay still now." Dom patted Kaew's black ears as a reward.

The person who was holding him had a smell of fresh and sporty cologne, and his sharp eyes appeared a sense of caution towards his surroundings, with the manner of the way he spoke or acted. He passed the vibe check. Ah, he even scratches my eyes. Kaew tilted his head, finding the best spot for a scratch.

But the driver gave him such a strange feeling. He was definitely in his early 20s, and though he looked laid back and friendly, his energy was off with the scent of cigarettes and metal, a scent that Kaew needed to take a sniff a little closer.

"Get the hell outta my face!" The driver shouted as Kaew's nose was an inch away from his face.


"I don't like pets. I don't trust them," said the driver furiously.

Kaew fell back, laying down in the back seat. His brown eyes saw a side of the driver's face, noticing him gritting his teeth that his jaw clenched. He turned back pointing at Kaew, murmuring that if he could, he would kick him out right now.

Kaew whined in his throat, his eyebrows frowning uneasily. He is a hard pass. A man who dislikes animals is untrustworthy. So suspicious. He even thinks about hurting me. I should run away from this kind of human being.

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