Chapter 10 : The Dog Shelter

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10: The Dog Shelter

The dog was heading to the small alley at full speed without a single clue where he was going for. He only knew that he needed to run as far and as fast as possible. He turned left and right as if he was chased by a motorbike gangster. In fact, there was just a motorbike taxi driver looking at a dog running around with a backpack in its bag.

Kaew reduced his speed after running for a while. His double coat made him feel worse as if he was burning in hell right now. People in the area were staring at this big dog toddling around with saliva dripping from the corner of its mouth. It looked so unusual and unsafe for the community.

"Mom, look! A dog with a backpack." A little girl was trying to approach Kaew.

"Don't get near it, sweetheart! It might have rabies. Look at his mouth dripping." A mother grabbed her daughter so tight before pulling her away.

"Who did this to it, putting a backpack on its back like that?"

"..." Some Bangkokian just couldn't be bothered over one random dog.

Who could have thought that the Thai Bangkaew was screaming at himself in his mind right now?Kaew, you idiot! Why couldn't you just stay in a heaven-like place like that, huh? Don't you like AC and a swimming pool?! But he had his reason for doing this.

Kaew's throat was getting dry. He was now in the middle of a small alley. It was too hot that he decided to take cover under a guard house at the front of the condominium entrance.

The security uncle who was listening to the radio paused for a second before turning stiff as he glanced at the dog laying down. He didn't want to scare the dog away. The big dog gasped as it was out of breath. Its black and white fur looked polished, unlike any other stray dogs he would normally see on the street. Besides, it had a backpack on its back too.

The security uncle met with Kaew's eyes, trying to read each other's minds. Well, since the uncle didn't chase him away, he decided to finally settle here. The country music along with Isaan dialects through the radio sounded fun and cheerful. Though Kaew heard noises in his ears all the time, his brown eyes were slowly closing. He fell asleep, all exhausted.



Kaew whined, terrified as the muscle at the back of his neck was grabbed so tightly out of the blue. The Bangkaew was lifted from the floor. All he heard was shouting noise following the sound of metal crashing. His surrounding was too overwhelming that he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Suddenly, Kaew was pushed into a crate. A man in a khaki uniform closed the cage quickly, Bam, in harmony with the barking sound in the background. The crate was too low that Kaew couldn't stand when he had a backpack on his back. However, he couldn't lie down as it was too cramped.

Kaew heard someone sharing the information before the car door closed. Kaew and other dogs were captured in the dark. He heard the engine start and the car moved in the other direction.

I'm screwed! What time is it now? If I'm trapped in here during the sunset... I don't want to imagine what's going to happen next.

Kaew! Are you a dog or a donkey!? Why are you so stupid? Now I can neither stand nor lay down. This is so warm and so uncomfortable. The car was probably heading to the bumpy road, plus the suspension system was malfunctioning. The dogs at the back of the car were all worn out in their tiny crates. Kaew's head crashed into the top of the crate that he cried out so many times.

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