Chapter 7 : I'm not Feeling Myself

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7: I'm not Feeling Myself

Carl reached out to turn off his solar alarm clock next to him. He was never a deep sleeper, so even the littlest light could already wake him up.

This morning was quite weird. Starting from this... warm feeling between his legs.

Nope, not like that. He meant his thighs were so warm he started sweating. He flipped the blanket over to find a fluffy furball sleeping between his thighs. The werewolf boy who claimed to have responsive ears was now just a big Bangkaew lying on his back showing off his white belly and his private part. Carl had no idea how this werewolf ended up right here.

He moved his sturdy body to sit in bed, his sharp eyes looking at Kaew's pinky tongue hanging down at the corner of his mouth. Luckily, Kaew didn't drool over his Egyptian cotton bed sheet. The furball was such a deep sleeper that even though Carl already got out of bed to stare at him, he wasn't moving a single fur. His pajamas were disorderly piling in bed.

The homeowner let out a small sigh and smiled while looking at Kaew's four legs flying in the air as if he was running around even though both eyes were still closed.

Even when Carl took a shower and got dressed, the Bangkaew was still sleeping like a baby. He decided to head to the kitchen, putting his coffee capsule into the coffee machine while reading the news in the meantime. He was in dilemma whether he should wake Kaew up and bring him to work or let him continue his sleep. Eventually, his secretary texted him to inform him that his car was ready. Carl then walked back to the bedroom again.

"Kaew, are you awake?" He sat at the edge of his bed, his hand patting the soft fur gently.


"Kaew, are you coming with me?"


Silence. The boy slept like a log. It would have been him carrying this furball and running away if there was any intruder at all.

"Alright. I'll see you this evening then," sighed the man, touching the silky fur for a couple of minutes before heading to work.

"Send someone to look after Kaew." Carl gave an order to his secretary once he was seated in the car.

"Yes, boss."

"And take that new driver to my office too." His eyes darkened. Something needed to be done.

His long finger pressed a button to activate the sound-proof window between the driver seats and passenger seats while one of his crew closed the curtain for more privacy. He had to finish this right away, though letting a stupid minion like that one around him could also be an advantage.

But whoever hurt Kaew, that idiot needed to learn a lesson. Thinking about how Kaew walked so unsteadily and bruises all over that small boy already made him so mad that he gritted his teeth. His secretary next to him was shocked by his reaction.

"Do you want to call the team?" He meant the team who dealt with specific 'issues' that the boss might not want to take the action by himself.


"I've been working with you for 8 years, and there was only one time that I saw you like this, boss," and that didn't end well but blood-shedding, the secretary continued the sentence in his mind.

"No, I'll handle this." The man got his laptop on, ending the conversation.

Since Kaew had come into his life, it seemed that his muscle had more work to do than before. Carl always knew that he was a man who rarely showed his expressions. All of his employees always talked behind his back that he was difficult to read. No matter how he asked them to buy a present or to give a death sentence to someone, his expression remained the same. Because of his upbringing, he was the firstborn in a powerful family. He was destined to be an heir to the family business since he was still in his mother's womb while his two little sisters were raised completely in different ways.

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