Chapter 2. Just Another Day

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When Bucky arrived back at the bar Joaquin and Sam were already waiting in the truck; the younger Falcon sat in the back, knowing Bucky's long legs didn't fit so well there

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When Bucky arrived back at the bar Joaquin and Sam were already waiting in the truck; the younger Falcon sat in the back, knowing Bucky's long legs didn't fit so well there. With a quick nod to the two waiting men Bucky got into the passenger side of the front seat and buckled up.

"That was fast," noted Sam.

"She only lives a few blocks away," he replied, then he cleared his throat. "She asked me to come over tomorrow for dinner and watch a movie with her and her son."

Sam and Joaquin exchanged knowing looks through the rear-view mirror which Bucky noticed, making him scowl.

"You going?" asked the younger man. "She seemed very nice, very professional working behind the stick." Bucky turned around and looked questioningly at Joaquin. "I did my share of bartending when I was in college. It means working the main bar. Big responsibility and has to have good social skills, plus know the drinks well."

Bucky nodded satisfied with the answer. "Thinking of it," he replied. "She reminds me of Steve's mother."

Sam and Joaquin smiled at each other in the rear-view mirror again. "You mean as a MILF?" voiced Sam. Bucky looked confused. "Mother I'd Like to F...."

"Jesus, Sam, does it all have to be boiled down to that?" Bucky was exasperated now. "No, I didn't think that about Steve's mom, and I wasn't thinking of that MILF shit. Just, it's hard being a single mother, especially if the dad isn't anywhere in the picture. Your own sister...."

"Don't go there," warned Sam. "Definitely don't go there but you're right. It is hard and she must be exhausted working an evening job like bartending to make ends meet."

"She's also a half time student," said Bucky, almost petulantly. "Accounting. I have a lot of respect for her."

The other two men smirked lightly. It was fun to tease Bucky sometimes, taking advantage of his lack of knowledge about 21st century slang not to mention the cultural differences from the 1940s.

"One of the servers said we were all hotties," said Joaquin. "I'm good with that. Got a number from one of them."

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" asked Bucky, looking back at the younger man.

"Broke up," he replied. "She's still at Nellis and didn't think we could make it work long distance. Her choice. I respected it. Doesn't mean I'm going to mope around without her." He was quiet for a moment. "You should go. I was thinking of asking the bartender out myself. She was cute."

"You're too young," said Bucky. "She's 32."

"I'm closer in age to her than you are," answered Torres. "I'm 27. That's only 5 years younger. You're what, 107?"

"Well, it's all moot now since she asked Bucky out first," said Sam. "But if he doesn't go then I would say go for it." Bucky glared at Sam, making the latter chuckle. "Hey, if you don't want him to ask her out then get in there, and get your foot in the door, more than it already is."

Burning the Ice - A Bucky Barnes NovelWhere stories live. Discover now