Chapter 7. The Incident (Violent content, emotional trauma)

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Content warning for strong abusive language and violence against the main female character causing emotional trauma

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Content warning for strong abusive language and violence against the main female character causing emotional trauma.

Sunday seemed quite dull to Paige and Noah after the weekend they had with the Avengers. By the time she went back to work on the Monday evening it seemed like a long time had passed since they left the compound with Maria Hill. While her neighbour, Mrs. Kavinsky, stayed with Noah, Paige walked to work, taking in the warm evening. It was likely Kane would open the patio tonight, as the warm weather often brought out more people wanting to enjoy a drink outside. Hopefully, her bartending partner, Emily, was in.

Sure enough, as she approached the bar she saw the roll up wall was open and the tables had been set up on the narrow strip of patio that extended outside the building. It was already full outside and almost as busy inside as she stepped into the darker environment. With a wave to the day bartender she made her way to the small locker room, finding Emily in there doing her makeup.

"Hey," said the blonde woman. "How was Thursday night? Sorry I cancelled. I had a migraine and was practically puking my guts out from the nausea."

"It worked out really well," replied Paige. "Got a date out of it."

Emily turned to her, surprised. "Yeah? A patron?"

"One of the Avengers, Bucky Barnes," she replied.

The blonde bartender stopped in mid mascara stroke. "Seriously, you went out with the Winter Soldier?"

"Yeah, don't call him that. He doesn't really like it. I invited him over for dinner Friday night. It was nice. He got along with Noah, we had dinner, watched a movie, then talked after Noah went to bed. Went to Coney Island on Saturday, slept over on Saturday night." She saw the look on her partner's face. "No, we didn't sleep together. I had Noah with me. They let us sleep in a spare room they keep for out of town Avengers. It was a really good weekend."

"Damn, I wish I had worked now," said Emily. "What's he like?"

"Sweet, kind, respectful, with a touch of old fashioned that was kind of sexy," admitted the red-haired Paige. "We shared a kiss before I went to bed on Saturday that was definitely enjoyable."

"You seeing him again?"

"I hope so. They were called out for a mission early Sunday and it was classified so I won't hear from him until it's done, I guess." She glanced at Emily and laughed at the hopeful look on her friend's face. "Captain America is very good looking, so is the one they call Falcon, Joaquin is his name. Both of them were really nice at the event and at the compound while we were there."

"If they come back, will you introduce me?" asked Emily, wistfully. "At least let me live your romance with Bucky Barnes vicariously. I'm so jealous."

Paige grinned at her friend, then nodded her head. Ten minutes later they were both out at the bar taking over the remaining preparations while the day bartender cashed out. André was in, having worked as the day manager that day. Once he was done and had his brief meeting with Kane he gestured to Paige and took her aside, watching Kane as he did so.

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