Chapter 9. Boundaries

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The first thing on Page's to-do list was laundry

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The first thing on Page's to-do list was laundry. She had in-suite laundry so at least Bucky didn't have to carry anything to a common area. She asked him to empty the laundry hamper on the bed so she could sort it. As some of her lingerie appeared she looked up at him from her spot sitting on the bed.

"You don't mind handling my underwear?" she asked.

"Not if you don't," he said. "In the months we've been at the compound I've had to empty the washing machine several times of either Kate's or Yelena's laundry so that I can do mine." He shrugged. "I think I'm past being embarrassed by it."

"How is that, living with young women?" she asked, then she chuckled. "That didn't come out right."

"I knew what you meant," smiled Bucky. "They're all young compared to me. Maria is mature plus she and Sam are a couple." Page raised her eyebrows and Bucky nodded. "They're trying to keep it on the down low but it's obvious. I look at Kate and Yelena like younger sisters or nieces. They're not much different than some women that age in my time, except they're operatives and good at it. As for the guys, Peter is a very caring person, and Joaquin is a nice guy but don't tell him I said that. He said something about asking you out, but I think he did that to make sure I came for dinner."

"You thought of standing me up?"

"Let's just say I sometimes doubt myself, about whether I have anything to offer a woman these days," he replied, as he put whites in the laundry basket to start with them. "I'm glad I did come."

She smiled at him, and he left to put the whites in the washing machine. Carefully, Paige raised herself from the bed and came out of the bedroom. Going to the broom closet she opened it up and took the vacuum cleaner out. Bucky went back to the bedroom with the empty basket then came out.

"You know, my bartending partner, Emily, wants to meet you all," said Paige. "She was sick the night of the charity event, then she cut her hand on Tuesday night, so she was off this week. Joaquin might like her."

"He's supposed to drive my car here," said Bucky. "We can ask if he wants to meet her. He did get a number from one of the servers ... Tawny? I think that was her name."

"Ooh, no, not a good idea," replied Paige. "She's sweet but she's very high maintenance." Bucky looked at her blankly. "She's champagne, high-end restaurants, and wanting a lot of attention."

"Ah, I see," he replied. "Joaquin is beer and chicken wings. I think they're going out this week."

"She never said anything," noted Paige. "We'll see if it goes well."

Bucky started vacuuming the living room, making Paige smile when he lifted up the sofa with one hand while vacuuming underneath with the other. She noticed some Lego when he did and moved in to pick it up, but he beat her to it, shooing her away.

Burning the Ice - A Bucky Barnes NovelWhere stories live. Discover now