Chapter 18. Real Life

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Having missed a week of classes and work because of Noah's hospitalization, Paige needed the following week to get back to her routine as soon as possible

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Having missed a week of classes and work because of Noah's hospitalization, Paige needed the following week to get back to her routine as soon as possible. Bucky stayed at the apartment that week, taking over getting Noah ready for school and picking him up in the afternoon so that Paige could go to class and finish all of her overdue assignments. He still went to the compound during the day, wanting to give Paige the ability to focus, knowing that if they were in the same space together, he would be a distraction.

On the Monday when he showed up at the compound, the other Avengers were in the process of getting breakfast, so Bucky helped himself, sitting with them to eat. Thor had already returned to New Asgard but before he left had texted him that he stayed over at Erika's on the Saturday night and would be back to see her as much as he could. Fixing his stare on Joaquin, Bucky said nothing, hoping that his attention on the younger man would make him talk. It didn't work.

"I know what you're trying to do," said Joaquin. "Other than acknowledging I spent Saturday night at Emily's and that we're seeing each other again this weekend I'm not saying anything more."

"Wasn't asking," smirked Bucky. "She's very nice."

Joaquin nodded, not speaking as his mouth was full of food.

"He stayed last night too," said Yelena, grinning. "He only arrived back here ten minutes before you did." The young wingman glared at her, but she just shrugged. "Nothing to be ashamed of. You're a young man with needs."

"Yelena! Please, I'm trying to eat," said Joaquin. "Go bother someone else."

Sam came out and poured himself a cup of coffee, sitting at the large table. "André wants everyone to know he greatly appreciated your attendance on Saturday night. They raised almost $3000 for the sexual assault centre and there was a lot of posting on social media, especially of the flaming cocktails. He's hoping it will help counteract the bad press they got from Kane's arrest."

He pulled up the tavern's Instagram account, showing everyone the pictures that were posted. Bucky brought it up on his phone, taking a screen shot of one of the pictures that showed him and Paige with their arms around each other. He made it his wallpaper after Peter showed him how to do it.

After breakfast Bucky and Sam got back into their regular workout routine, starting with an easy 6-mile run. Normally, on the final two miles Bucky would run at his top speed leaving his partner behind but this time he stayed with Sam all the way in.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" asked Sam, noticing that Bucky had slowed up a bit.

"Who says I want to talk?" asked Bucky, even though that's exactly why he slowed up. Sam said nothing. "Fine, I do want to talk. Do you think Paige and I are moving too fast?"

"Do you?"

"I haven't pushed Paige to do anything; it's all been at her pace."


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