Chapter one, the truth

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Firstly, to state, I do not support the oppression of any peoples. I believe everyone should live freely and openly the way they are.

There are game spoilers in this story, also mentions of death, actual death, trigger warnings, exploding cauldrons, purple bubbles and some fluff.


Staring at the side of his face, you noticed his jaw clench.
Sebastian let slip that Ominis's family used Crucio on muggles for sport, something that he obviously didn't want known.
"It wasn't like I enjoyed it!" Ominis snapped.
You blinked as your attention drifted toward Sebastian who seemed used to his friend's reaction.
You remembered in perfect clarity the first time you felt the pain of that curse. Apart from red sparks and intense pain, you remembered laughter and cold, dead eyes staring passed you.
Your stomach twisted as a horrible idea popped into your head, making you feel sick at how easily you jumped to the conclusion.
"Where did your family usually do this?"
Both boys looked your way.
The expression on Ominis's face didn't change from neutral as Sebastian glanced between you two.
"They'd travel to the outskirts of London to make it harder for anyone to notice," he answered almost robotic. "They attacked only when they knew they could get away with it."
The more he answered, the more things began to fall into place, the puzzle forming a clearer picture.
You nodded as Sebastian's eyes narrowed. "Why are you asking?"
You could feel your body begin to shake as the memory of that night pressed down, causing a headache.
"Is someone in your family named Gormliath?"
Color drained from both boys faces, telling you all that you needed to know and years worth of guilt and anger instantly coiled into a too tight collar.
"It was nighttime. My muggle parents and I were walking home after getting dinner. There was no warning before I heard two cruel voices yell out that curse and my parents cried out in agony," you started, glaring at the side of Ominis's face as he listened. "I was saved for the younger one. I tried to get to my parents while I begged them to stop. They only laughed and spat at me, called me disgusting as my parents gasped for breath beside me."
A tear escaped Ominis's eye as Sebastian took a step closer, moving between you.
"He was forced to do it! They would have used it on him!"
Anger seething, you sneered meeting Sebastian's eyes, he was taken back by the sheer hatred in your face. The warmth you once had was gone as if that scarred twelve year old possessed your body again.
"How convenient. But see, that wasn't even the funniest part. I'm a pureblood too." The venom in your voice made Ominis flinch. "When I didn't show signs of magical talent at eleven, my pureblood parents decided they couldn't allow me to tarnish their name and I was dropped into the muggle world with nowhere to go and no one to help. I found those muggles who took me in and treated me like their child. I loved them. Even after my father died that night, my mother tried desperately to live without him, did any of you care?"
"You don't know the whole story-"
Ominis sniffled. "It's alright Sebastian. She has every right to be angry."
Sebastian pushed you back a little more when you glared at Ominis.
He didn't get to play hero after all of that. Not him.
"Don't try to pretend you know what this feels like."
"He does," Sebastian shot back. "They used that curse on him when he refused. He hates his family just as much as you do."
You scoffed, finding it hard to believe before turning on your heel and heading towards the only place you knew you could be alone, save for Deek.
"I'm sorry," Ominis's voice trailed behind you.
Glancing over your shoulder, you spit one last comment his way. "Say that to my muggle father and when he forgives you, I'll think about doing the same."


     After a few hours to calm down with the beasts in your vivariums, your mind replying the whole encounter, you picked up the little ticks in Ominis's demeanor you hadn't while blinded in anger.
You never knew anyone who used those curses flinch just because of someone getting angry.
Then there was the tears, trembling chin and the white knuckles grip on his wand, nearly threatening to snap the twig in two.
His face was clearer than it had been before. You had seen him shaking as he held his wand up at you. The tears streaking his cheeks, the wobble of his chin.
Groaning you stood up and made your way out of the room, saying a warm goodbye to your animals and Deek.

    The castle was dark due to curfew being called sometime during your cool down, but you noticed a figure standing near the window as you entered the common room.
Sighing softly as you felt anger rise up again, your body already moving to head to bed. The heartbroken child didn't want to forgive him, they wanted to scream and rage forever, but your matured mind knew that it would only cause both of you more pain.
So, you forced yourself to stop and look back, deciding on what he did in that moment.
For the first time since you've known him, Ominis's wand was laid out on the table a few feet from him, his back to it.
There was the briefest sniffle that drew your eyes to his shoulders as he wiped at his face with his sleeves.
Slowly, you moved closer, trying to talk your child into backing off long enough to get his side of the story.
When he sensed you getting closer, he fell quiet, not that you couldn't see how red his eyes were or the streaks on his face.
You watched him for a moment, trying to find a voice that didn't sound accusing or livid and decided on whispering to be safe.
"Did you really not have a choice?"
He flinched like he expected you to hit him, causing more emotions to stir as you stared at what you could see of him.
"We always have a choice," he muttered, his voice thick and hoarse like he'd been crying since you left the scriptorium. "I couldn't handle the pain and used it to spare myself it."
Of all the ways you thought this would go, you never expected to here genuine distain and remorse.
"Have you used it since?"
"No," he snapped before he could stop himself, but softened his voice as he continued. "I still can't get the screams out of my head. I've never regretted anything more."
His arms moved around him as he sniffled. It was like he was trying desperately to hold himself together physically because he couldn't mentally.
Sighing, you picked up his wand and moved to put your back to the window frame opposite him. "Your parents did that often?"
He swallowed so hard, you heard it from a foot away as he nodded. "After that night, I stopped going home. I'd spend my time at the Sallows."
You nodded absentmindedly as you examined the wand that hurt you so long ago. It was fragile, one sharp twitch between two hands and it would be useless as you were. But, this wand has also done a lot of good and if he was to be believed, it hasn't casted that curse since.
"I know you won't ever forgive me, but I am truly sorry."
You met his eyes, understanding why they seemed so dead that night and it wasn't even because he was blind, it was because as he hurt you, something in him died.
You finally understood why he was so cold at first, so guarded. He, like you, were betrayed by those who were supposed to protect him.
Despite your best efforts, you felt a kinship building between you. An understanding of the weight of pureblood status and the familial responsibilities placed upon your shoulders, but instead of giving him to the muggle world, they took it out on him.
"I wanted to apologize to those all of you for so long for being a coward. For not just taking the curse myself."
What a strange twist of fate our lives have been. Both used for prestige by your parents and casted aside when you couldn't live up to it, now strained friends...could you even call it that? Acquaintanceship, maybe?
Frankly, you had to give him some leeway, you had just allowed Sebastian to curse you and you didn't hate him. Ominis could have easily casted it, but he refused. Proof that he had changed, you guess.
He jumped when you reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling it towards you to place his wand in it. "I'm not saying I'm going to forgive you. I'm saying that I'm willing to try."
His chin trembled again as you closed his fingers around his wand.
"Okay," he whispered, his voice breaking.
His other hand shakily curled around yours, keeping it pressed to his. You could feel him trembling as if it exhausted him to stand, so you carefully led him to the couch.
"My muggle father used to say that everyone capable of great evil, are capable of great good. It's your choice to decide which you do."
You let go of his hands as his eyes flicked closed, shooting new tears down his cheeks.


Author note: Please feel free to let me know what you think and if there are any grammatical errors. I've also published these on Tumblr, so if you see them there under the same name, that is also me.

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