Chapter 10, Summertime Sadness

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      It had been a few weeks, Sebastian and Ominis seemed to have found a way to cope without magic, even helping with the chores, not that Sebastian didn't explain all the ways magic could make it easier.
You were happy to see more color come back into your mom's face as she listened intently to all the stories Sebastian shared of his time at Hogwarts.
He even told her about Anne and her curse, now putting the blame where it belonged, on Rookwood.
Ominis was opening up, not nearly as fast as Sebastian, but he started to engage in the conversation more.
He still sat close to you and would fidget if you had to do something, leaving him alone with your mother.
You had been waiting for a particular owl to arrive and when you heard it screech, you had to get to it before Sebastian pestered you about who it was from.
You took the letter, paid the owl and opened it outside, not that you couldn't hear Sebastian already pacing.
You read through it quickly, before stashing it in your pocket as Sebastian walked out into the porch, too impatient to wait, with Ominis and your mom flanking him.
You took a deep breath, instantly seeing his shoulders drop. "She'll be here tonight."
Life sparked in his eyes as they darted to yours. Before you could react, you were crushed into the tightest hug you've ever felt, nearly being picked up off your feet.
He let go almost as quickly as he grabbed you and turned towards Ominis. "She's coming!"
"I know, I heard. I'm blind not deaf," he teased, but Sebastian was too excited to notice as he raced inside.
"He's not going to demolish the house, is he?"
"Given his nature, I suspect he'd end up breaking something."
Your mom looked to you as she couldn't even tell if Ominis was joking that time.
"Probably best if we kept an eye on him," you admitted before heading into the house.
He was just sitting at the table dumbfounded.
"Sebastian, are you okay?"
"Given Anne's curse, I do want to find a cure still, but I don't even know where to begin."
You were grateful that Sebastian had told your mother everything after he broke down due to nightmares and stress. He hadn't left out a single detail, which landed you in some hot water for not clueing her in on how dangerous your year had truly been.
"Not turning to forbidden magic, is a good start," Ominis replied as worry flicked through his expression.
"You said that Rookwood fellow cursed her, so maybe looking for possible curses humans know would be a good place to start. As far as you've told me, you were only looking for goblin related curses," your mom offered slowly as if unsure she should get involved.
"That doesn't quite narrow it down," you mumbled. "Rookwood wasn't above using any spell to get what he wanted."
"But, you can see which curse is close to Anne's symptoms and figure out the best way to cure her. Though I would feel better if you had more experienced help."
One face popped into your head.
"We could try contacting Professor Fig," you offered. "He knows how to keep a secret."
"Fig? The teacher who mentored you after your letter arrived?"
You nodded. "Yeah, he also has ministry contacts, so we might be able to get better help or even more help with the search."
"It's better than watching her die," Sebastian admitted, rubbing at his chin. "She's all the family I have left."
You couldn't help but glance at your mom. You probably would have walked the same path he did to save her life.
"Okay, I'll send an owl to Professor Fig."
You headed out of the room, with Ominis closely following.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" He asked once you were in your room. "The last time we went down this road, someone was killed."
"Yes, but he was doing it alone. This way, Fig's involved and by extension, the ministry. It'll keep him from doing anything foolish," you replied as you looked back at him. "People need hope Ominis. Hope that life isn't as screwed up as it seems. We know that better than anyone."
His expression melted. "I know, but given what happened last time, my fear isn't unwarranted."
"No, it's not." He relaxed further at your admission. "Which is why I want to do this now. Sebastian won't be able to pilfer through the tomes at Hogwarts by himself. He'd have to wait for answers, while rebuilding the bridge with his sister and what better way to do that than in a neutral area that neither are accustomed to and can't use magic?"
His brows pinched for a second. "You've been planning this for a while."
"Feeling helpless while watching someone you care about die, it takes a toll. That pain never really goes away, you just learn to tune it out until something reminds you of it."
He fell silent, knowing you were referring to your father's death.
"I understand where Sebastian is coming from. I've lived it. Only, I had my mom to help me. He had Solomon and come on, that guy hated Sebastian. Anyone could see that. There wasn't even three beds in their house. Solomon had no qualms about yelling at him when I first arrived, I'd hate to see how he treated him without company-"
"I get it, I do." He sighed, dropping his head. "If this starts taking a turn for the worst- if he starts using dark magic again."
"You'll turn me in, I know that. I take my commitments seriously," Sebastian said standing at the door. "All I've wanted was a chance. A chance that I wouldn't loose my family completely."
"I know Sebastian," Ominis whispered, lifting his head. "I don't agree with it, but given my family, I guess I wouldn't fully understand."
"You can choose whose in your family," your mom said, moving up behind Sebastian. "Blood doesn't make them family, it just means you're related. As we grow, we build our family out of the people we come to know. Some stay and some go, but that happens. The three of you have been fighting for each other your whole school year."
Your eyes travelled to the boys, both lost in thought until Ominis's head turned in your direction.
"I now understand where you got your way with words."
You snickered as your mom turned red and made an excuse to leave the room.
"Are we telling Anne?" Ominis asked with a sharp tone.
"I've already spoken to her about it. She wasn't happy, but when I explained Sebastian's side, she was willing to allow it under the rule of absolutely no dark magic, which the three of us agree on, might I add."
His heckles softened. "I just don't want a repeat. I doubt our friendship would be able to survive another go."
"I don't want that either Ominis. I owe the both of you more than I can probably repay. I'm not going to destroy what I've managed to get back."
You looked at Sebastian as pain crossed his features.
"I'm going to go see if Sara needs help with anything."
Ominis sighed heavily as he dropped into a nearby chair.
"Are you mad at him or yourself for not stopping him?" You asked after Sebastian's footsteps faded.
"Both, I expect, but bringing this back up-"
"I know, I wasn't too fond of the idea myself, but Anne's his sister and it's hard enough with her hating him, but if she dies before that rift can close, Sebastian will never be the same. Do you really want to watch both of your friends twist unrecognizably?"
"Obviously I don't, but this isn't something we should take lightly. Our actions have consequences that affect other people."
"I do know that, Ominis."
His fists clenched as he shook his head. "If someone else dies-"
"If we do nothing, someone will die anyway and it'll be Anne." He flinched at how harsh you sounded, but you pressed on. "I'm not telling him to pick up were he left off. I'm telling him that if he needs to do this, to do it right. Without secrets, dark magic or sneaking around. Solomon can't destroy every avenue Sebastian has now. He CAN do it right. We just have to put a little faith in him."
"I did put my faith in him before-"
"So, he's not worthy of forgiveness, but you are?"
You knew it was wrong to use that against him after everything he's done to prove he's changed, but he was as stubborn as Sebastian at times.
Sometimes being reminded that people are human is needed; they're messy and sometimes cruel. For all human advances, we're still flawed and ignorant to the experiences and hardships of others, but there was enough hate in the word it didn't need more.
Without being able to see you, his eyes glared right into yours, but he didn't reply.
Frustration built up and you knew if you continued this conversation a bigger fight would break out.
"I'm going for a walk."
You headed towards the door as he sat there, his head following your movements.

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