Chapter 11, Getting back to the basics

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    You waited at the station for Anne after sending the owl to Fig. You haven't returned home since the fight with Ominis.
You did understand where he was coming from, you were also worried Sebastian would relapse, but Ominis himself taught you that just because you expect the worst, doesn't mean it will always happen.
You jumped when you heard the sound of someone apperating nearby. Not that you had to wonder about it too long as Professor Fig walked out into the open.
"Ah, I was hoping to catch you before you returned home. You gave the town name, but not your home address."
You blushed in embarrassment, but got up and hugged him. "It's good to see you."
"You as well, though I was surprised that you wrote that Anne Sallow was cursed. The only thing Solomon would tell us was she was sick."
You couldn't hide the shock as a train horn blared loudly, drawing your attention to it as it approached.
"That's suspicious," you admitted, squinting to avoid the sunset's glare off the windows.
"I agree and you said that Rookwood cursed her?"
"Yes, she said that she heard someone say "children should be seen and not heard", but she only saw goblins. The night Rookwood kidnapped me outside of Ollivanders, he said the same thing to me. Sebastian told me that the goblins were interested in Rookwood castle and as we know, they were after the vault."
"Could it be ancient magic?" He mumbled as he moved his arms behind his back.
"I don't see a glow around her and Rookwood didn't have access to it."
"Then it has to be some kind of dark curse. I'd have to get the specifics from her to begin looking," he said as the train pulled up with a loud hiss.
"You're in luck Professor, she just arrived."
The platform didn't flood with people as it had in the city, so Anne was easy to spot as she stepped off the train.
You moved over and grabbed her trunk. "I've got this."
She sent a grateful smile, though her eyes widened on who was with you. "Professor Fig?"
"It's good to see you miss Sallow."
She looked to you for clarification. "You said it was alright to continue to look for a cure, so I asked Professor Fig for help, to ensure the search doesn't deviate."
Knowing what you meant, she gave a kind smile. "Thank you."
"I do need to know the extent of your symptoms however," Fig added.
"You two can talk while I lead you to my mom's house."

    Fig listened intently to Anne, who exposed more than she ever told you or her brother. She did apologize when she noticed your face, saying she just didn't want to worry anyone.
As you came up in the house, the occupants emerged giving various expressions.
"Anne and Professor Fig, I assume," your mom said with a smile.
"Ah, yes, though you can just call me Eleazar."
Your mom smiled, pleased that everyone you brought home was friendly.
"Here, I'll take your things inside," Sebastian said, nearly tripping over his feet to get to his sister's bags.
Snickering, you passed them over, earning a look before he headed inside.
Anne, though hesitatant, smiled as she watched him head inside while she followed after him.
"Any ideas?" You mumbled to Fig.
"A few do come to mind, but they're dangerous to remove, so we'd have to make sure we're removing the correct one," he answered as he moved towards the clearing. "I will need to grab a few books and contact a friend who is better suited to identify curses. I'll send word when I have news."
You nodded and thanked him before he apperated.
"Everything okay?" You mom called from the porch.
You turned, seeing Ominis standing with her, his brows pinched together.
"Yeah, all good."
She nodded, smiled and headed inside as Ominis moved closer.
"You know more than you're letting on again, don't you?"
"Solomon never told anyone Anne was cursed," you answered turning to face him, seeing shock practically slap onto his face. "He told them she was sick, but never clarified. Something isn't right about this whole situation. Why would he keep that to himself and never investigate?"
"It is suspicious, I'll give you that."
You nodded, your mind reeling with too many things that could be the reason why he'd keep quiet.
"Do you think Solomon was helping Rookwood the whole time?"
Ominis didn't reply, but you could see how uncomfortable he was with the implication.

   Making sure Anne and Sebastian were getting along took your top priority. Though strained, they did seem to be trying to.
Your mom helped a lot by asking them childhood memories that involved mischief, though she cleverly avoided asking about Anne's curse or Solomon.
Within an hour, Ominis, Sebastian and Anne were laughing about sneaking into an abandoned house on a dare.
Your mom shared plenty of embarrassing stories you had so you wouldn't feel left out, though you wished she never brought up the crush you had on a boy in school when you were thirteen.
It was awkward and confusing.
"She was the hardest on him," your mom continued. "Not in a bullying way, but just pushed him in ways she thought he would improve certain things."
"Oh?" Sebastian asked, giving you the side eye.
"It wasn't like I was being rude about it and I wasn't trying to improve him. I just let him know how it would feel if he was in the recieving end of his jokes and pranks."
"You liked the bad boy, huh?" Anne teased.
"A long time ago."
Sebastian snorted. "Way to make yourself sound old."
You narrowed your eyes, pointing a finger in his direction. "You're another reason I'm grateful I grew out of it."
He pushed his hand to his chest playfully. "Aww, would you be enraptured by me if you didn't?"
Rolling your eyes, you glanced at everyone else, two were laughing, but Ominis only gave a polite smile.
"So, what about you Anne? Any crush stories?" Your mom asked.
She turned red at the attention. "Well, I did have one on Garreth Weasley once."
Sebastian looked like he was bitterly betrayed. "Not him."
"I never told him about it," she replied softly, before she yawned. "I think it's time to head to bed. I haven't been sleeping well."
Given everything that's happened, you couldn't blame her.
So, you moved to clear away the plates as Sebastian stood to help her up.
"How are the sleeping arrangements working?" Anne asked, looking to your mother.
"Well, I'd personally prefer the boys share."
She nodded, seeming relieved, not that her brother didn't catch onto it. "I'll see you back in the room," she called to you.
"I'll be up once I wash the dishes."
Giving you a smile, she headed out of the room with Sebastian following.
You moved over to the sink, hearing Ominis's soft steps coming up behind you.
"What are you doing?"
"Helping, obviously," he replied simply as he slipped a plate into the sink. "I also wanted to apologize for before. I was being rather pigheaded about the whole thing and I haven't really given Sebastian a fair go at changing."
"I do understand where you're coming from, I'm still worried about it too, but doubting him now only hurts the progress he's made. Until he gives me a reason not to, I'm going to trust him and believe in him. Just like I did for you."
"I recall you being harsher towards me than you are with him," he teased.
You glanced his way, noticing a small smile on his face. "You do remember me calling him a troll, right? I can't quite top that insult."
He laughed, the sound kind of foreign, being you didn't remember hearing it sound like that before.
"Fair point."

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