Chapter 12, Night Terrors

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    You woke to the sound of something breaking. It had you nearly to the door before you even registered it.
With your wand in hand, you made your way towards the soft thuds followed by a low explosion, which led you to the guest bedroom.
"Ominis! Wake up!"
You opened the door, seeing Ominis standing while blasting off spells and Sebastian trying to dodge them.
You tried to move as quietly as possible, but once he heard you, he rounded.
You dodged quickly, barely avoiding a spell as Sebastian tripped over his trunk and fell into a heap.
Knowing what was going to happen as Ominis turned towards the noise, you lunged, half tackling him to the floor, while grabbing for his wand.
Instead, you knocked it out of his hand completely and it skittered under the bed. You turned your focus onto Ominis.
He reared back, so you swiftly wrapped your arms around him, trying to pin his down to his side.
"He's asleep," Sebastian mentioned quickly, groaning as he rubbed his shin.
A cry of pain drew your attention enough that Ominis nicked your cheekbone with the back of his head.
"Go!" You hissed, harsher than you meant to towards Sebastian, knowing he needed to be the one to help his sister.
He hesitated, but ran once you managed to pin Ominis's flailing arms down.
As his fight dwindled down, you heard him start sniffling, before droplets fell onto your arms.
"I don't want to do this. I don't. Please don't make me. Please?"
Your heart twisted as his voice cracked and the desperation seeped while his body deflated into yours.
"You're dreaming Ominis," your voice went softer, realizing yesterday's events stirred up these memories. "No one is going to force you to do anything."
He didn't reply, only bowed his head as he latched onto your arms, clinging to the only thing available.
Listening to him cry wasn't easy, especially knowing you couldn't fully help him, but you just hugged him the best you could and hoped he knew that he wasn't alone.
"I'm sorry," he whispered after a few moments, having had the chance to calm down for the most part.
"For what?"
Frowning, you lifted your chin off his shoulder. "It was just a bad dream; it's understandable after yesterday. No one is holding it against you."
He shook his head, disheveling his hair even more.
"For your dad. I'd give anything to bring him back. You and Sara are decent people and we-"
His voice broke again as more silent tears raced down his cheeks.
"You were a child Ominis and in that moment you had to do what your parents told you. Besides, you cast it on me, not him. Gormliath killed him. Not you."
"But, I had a part in it," he replied, his chin trembling with pain, fear and disgust clearly written on his face.
"If your parents hadn't been there. If it was just you, would you have hurt us?"
He shook his head before covering his face with his hands as he inhaled sharply.
"So, you would have just walked passed us, yes?"
"Of course, but that doesn't mean anything-"
"It means everything," you replied softly, getting his head to turn in your direction. "Especially given they would have used that spell on you if you refused again."
His brows pinched together. "That doesn't excuse what I did. I could have just endured it."
Ready for him to say something like that, you opened your mouth, but someone beat you to it.
"A child shouldn't have to bear such pain."
You looked over at your mother's voice, seeing her with unshed tears in her eyes.
Ominis tensed, for once not having heard someone coming and it only worsened as she walked over and knelt down infront of him.
"The boy I met a few weeks ago, was terrified to even use his wand when I was around. You kept stowing it away and nearly tripping. Someone who doesn't care about what they did wouldn't go to those lengths. That night was horrible for all of us, but having to live with those people. I can't imagine it."
Even supporting him, he hunched over, his hands holding desperately onto your arms again. Fighting our words due to guilt he's carried for so long.
"I'm so sorry Ominis, I truly am. No child should have had to go through what you did. But, I hope wherever your parents are, they're getting what they deserve."
"They're in Azkaban, the wizard prison," you admitted softly. "Professor Sharp caught them attacking us."
Your mom's face melted into worry and sadness, not that she wouldn't scold you for not telling her sooner, but for now you were grateful her focus was elsewhere.
"You're welcome to come here whenever you want." Her eyes danced around the destroyed room. "Maybe after I fix up the mess."
"Sorry," he mumbled almost too quietly to hear.
"It's an easy fix," you ensured as you gave him a slight squeeze.
"Of course you two are welcome as well."
You glanced over, seeing Sebastian and Anne standing there looking no worse for wear, but smiling at the reception Ominis got for opening up.
"I'm going to make us all some tea," your mom said moving to stand, patting Ominis's shoulder gently before leaving. 
"We'll, uh, wait- have things to talk about," Anne said half dragging Sebastian away.
Confused, you moved your attention back to Ominis, only realizing that your position could be taken for a romantic one, but he was just holding on for dear life.
"How are you doing?"
He gave a slight nod, but when his hands tightened, you knew he was just putting on a good front.
"Who's a liar now?"
A small smile appeared on his face. "Who do you think I learned it from?"
You playfully scoffed, allowing him to change the mood. "I know you don't mean me, I'm a perfect little angel."
You couldn't keep a straight face, but once Ominis grunted in disagreement, you chuckled.
"If you're an angel, then we're all doomed."
You broke into full blown laughter, moving your mouth away from his ear so it wouldn't hurt him.
"That was pretty good," you admitted.
He let go of your arms, so you slipped them away and sat with your back to the bed.
"Did I really destroy the room?"
Your eyes darted to each scortch mark left by the blasting curse. "No, just the decor really. We needed to remodel anyway."
You could tell he knew you were lying, but with a shake of his head, he shifted so he was sitting against the bed beside you.
"Have you ever told me the truth?"
"Loads," you answered softly, shooting a glance his way. "The trick is mixing them with lies, so people think you're still lying."
Shrugging, your mind raced to all the times you tried to make friends in the past. "It's easier."
His brows pinched as his head turned your way, while roughly wiping at his face with his hands.
"No one can hurt you if they don't know you completely. Giving useless details is one thing, but when it comes to things that matter, it's like handing people a means to hurt or control you."
He was silent for a moment, probably wondering how to approach the topic.
"So, that Kneazle stuffed animal I found in your room is actually named Tammy?"
A little surprised he remembered that, you nodded. "Yeah, I'm a little old for stuffed animals, but he's an old friend."
You looked his way, seeing him in deep thought. "It was pretty tattered. I didn't know muggles knew about Kneazles."
"They don't."
The smile wiped right off his face as he realized it came with me to the muggle world.
Deciding to change the subject away from yourself, you moved your attention to your hands. "I'm sorry you're having nightmares."
His expression hardened for a second, before speaking. "I used to have them all the time. They stopped after my parents were arrested, so it hit harder."
"What were they about?"
He sighed softly, dropping his head against the bed the best he could. "They were torturing you. Telling me to do it and I refused, so they turned on me."
"So, you were fighting them?"
"In my dreams I could do what I've wanted since that night. I could protect you."
Your mind blanked for a split second, before shaking your head, forcing yourself to settle for him meaning that in a sort of platonic or brotherly way.
"You know it's not your job to protect others. Besides, you were in as much danger as I was."
He sighed before he started patting the floor. "Where's my wand?"
"Rolled under the bed," you answered, already shifting around to get it.
You were slightly startled when he followed you, but you moved to focus.
The wand had rolled in the corner, so you were both pretty much completely under the bed by the time you found it.
"Here you are," you said, holding it out for him.
His hand grabbed your arm first, before following it up to your hand and finally his wand.
He made a face, but didn't pull the wand from you.
Being that close, you could still see drying tear streams on his face, so you dared to wipe them away.
He tensed at first, but relaxed as he closed his eyes, letting you carefully wipe them away.
"Why are you two under the bed?"
Both of you jumped, nearly knocking into the frame as you wiggled your way out.
"Ominis's wand rolled under the bed," you answered, holding it up as proof, seeing the twins flanking your mom.
"And it took both of you to get it?"
Anne whacked her brother while your mom smirked as she set the tea tray down on the desk, the only part of the room that didn't have a mark or a hole.
Ignoring more snide remarks, you moved over to Ominis and placed his wand in his hand, avoiding eyes that couldn't see you blush.

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