Chapter 4, Secrets

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      Nightmares weren't strangers, but it had been a while since your parents had made an appearance, let alone the Gaunts, who now had cleared up to match how you saw them a few weeks ago.
The three of you continued to press on with your classes, trying to concentrate.
At times you thought you saw someone watching you from the castle gates, but they'd vanish too fast.
The three of you have taken to sleeping in the room, and after being reported for not being in the common room you had to explain the situation to Professor Weasley and Fig.
Though they weren't surprised to hear about Professor Black's involvement, you noticed the castle had more suits of armor and in almost every corridor now.
"How are you doing?" The question startled you out of a daydream, making Sebastian frown. "You two don't seem to be on edge lately."
"They've had no choice but to back off," Ominis answered. "Weasley even had us followed for a while to deter them."
"So, a trip out of the castle is out of the question, but what about-"
"I can't today," you cut in, getting both of them to look your way.
"What exactly have you been doing? You're coming and going at all hours," Ominis asked.
He hadn't brought up your half-lie since the night your parents showed up, but you could tell he was burning with questions.
"And don't say extra assignments, that lie is less believable with each retelling."
"Is this anger because I won't tell you or because you're worried I'd run into either of our parents?" You asked, giving him the opportunity to dig himself out of the grave he just buried himself in.
"I'd rather you not go to random places alone, especially with our parents hawking."
"You forgot to add, Ranrok, Harlow and Rookwood- ow!"
You glared at Sebastian as he rubbed his arm from where you pinched it. He had whispered it, but you knew Ominis could hear him anyway. 
"What? Why would they be after you?"
Sebastian motioned for you to tell Ominis the truth, a silent argument breaking out as Ominis waited, hearing only the shifting of cloths when either of you moved.
"Hello? Why are all so many people after you?"
"Popularity sucks," you replied quickly before continuing your disagreement with Sebastian.
"Very funny," he grumbled, shifting closer as his head cocked to the side, trying to pick up what we were doing. "What's going on? Why are you two shifting so much?"
You instantly stopped as soon as the tip of Ominis's wand started pulsing red as he lifted it.
"What are you keeping from me? Is this about that relic?"
Annoyance flicked over Sebastian's features as he harshly pointed at you, then jabbed it towards Ominis.
When you shook your head, he half growled. "No, it's not about the relic-"
"Sebastian," you warned.
"He could help-"
You rolled your eyes knowing it was just an excuse.
"Sebastian, you can't help me. Natty can't help me. Poppy can't help me. Even Professor Fig can't help me. What makes you think Ominis can?"
By the time you caught into why Sebastian was smirking, you picked up the closest pillow and threw it at him.
"Natsai, Poppy and Fig know?" Ominis asked, drawing your gaze.
Confusion and hurt filtered over his features, making guilt build in your throat, but you weren't really sure why.
"Okay, Natty only found out because she was with me when the troll attacked Hogsmeade. Poppy only knows the ashwinders are after me. Sebastian only found out because I needed his help to break into the restricted section and Professor Fig...well, it was his wife's search."
"The restricted section? Why did you need to get into there?"
Already guessing he thought you were delving into unforgivable magic, you decided to clarify.
"I needed to get UNDER the restricted section. It held the next clue."
"Clue to what exactly?"
Your eyes moved his way at the venom he used.
"You're not seriously thinking that I'd dip a toe in dark magic, I hope," you asked, your tone giving the same warning it had to Sebastian. "Not everything I get wrapped up in has something to do with evil magic."
"Ranrok, Harlow, Rookwood-" he stopped himself before he could say anything else, but it had already hit the nerve you were trying to keep from exploding.
"My parents, your parents, you?"
He flinched, but didn't reply as you glared, pulling a sigh from Sebastian.
"You two are too alike for your own good."
"I'm nothing like him," you spat as you climbed to your feet and settled your eyes onto the milky ones following the sound of your movements. "Or our parents."
You moved to leave before you said anything else, knowing none of it would be kind and headed towards the Map Chamber for the third trial.

    You moved slowly, your mind caught up in the memory the pensive showed you.
Isadora gradually turned from a sweet girl to a power hungry witch. Is that what you had to look forward to? Your eventual corruption? Was Ominis right about you the whole time? Just a dark wizard in the making?
"You look like you've gone five rounds with a troll," Garreth teased as he walked over. "Though given your exploits, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case."
You gave a soft, mostly stressful, laugh. "I feel like I've been troll fighting."
He sent a small sympathetic glance, before clapping his hands together. "I'm working on my next epic brew. Would you like to join me?"
Catching his enthusiasm, you couldn't help but fall into step with him as you headed to the potions classroom.
"You're not going to ask me to pinch any fwooper feathers or billywig stings?"
He rubbed his hands together as he laughed awkwardly. "No, I have everything I needed this time."
You nodded, hoping that was the case. "Alright, let's go blow up a cauldron."

    The result was...pretty much as you expected, though you hadn't counted on Professor Sharp to walk in and get pummeled with the potion, which made his voice high pitched.
The both of you were scolded for a continuation of uncontrollable giggles and narrowly escaped detention by offering to clean up the mess before Sharp could tell you to.
"That was an utter mess," Garreth complained as you left the classroom.
"I don't know, trying to keep a straight face while Professor Sharp yelled at us with purple bubbles on his head and shoulders was pretty awesome."
He laughed as he nodded. "Oh man, I will never forget that. If I wasn't there, I'd never believe it."
You groaned while pressing you hand to your chest. "I laughed so hard, my sides hurt."
"At least you laughed," he replied, drawing your attention his way. "Everyone's noticed you haven't been yourself lately. Poppy and Natty were trying to think of ways to make you feel better and what better way than brewing potions?"
You smiled as you realized you had let too much slip out into your face.
"I appreciate it. I haven't laughed like that in a long time," you admitted softly. "Poor Professor Sharp though."
"He's probably already telling the story too. I'm sure he found it as funny as we did."
You weren't quite sure, but you also hadn't been looking as you cleaned and missed the half annoyed and half amused smirk he sent the pair of you as he sat at his desk.
"Just don't be surprised if Natty and Poppy drag you off somewhere later for some kind of fun."
You smiled to yourself as you wondered what they could have planned and if it would top Garreth's disaster.
You parted ways as you headed towards the room of requirement and he headed to his common room.
As soon as you were alone, your thoughts began to eat away at you as if punishing you for not having a distraction.
You could only push on however. Too much rested on your shoulders to let it crush you now, not that it didn't try with every step.

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