Chapter 2, Trial

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      Sebastian was confused at the turn you and Ominis had, but he'd woken up late and had to rush through breakfast.
You sat between Imelda and Sebastian, being you were uncomfortable at the idea of putting your back to Ominis.
"So, we have potions after this, then herbology," Sebastian mumbled between bites, before turning to glance your way. "Are you busy today? We're going to go to Hogsmeade later."
You jerked your head. "No, I have extra lessons to do."
Ominis's expression twisted as if he knew you were lying, not that he voiced it.
And though you had fibbed about the extra assignments, you did have plans to speak with Professor Fig about the second trial.
"You're staying for classes, right?"
Like Fig would be happy about you skipping school.
"Yes, but after herbology, I'll be heading out."
"Heading out?" Ominis asked, raising an eyebrow.
Sebastian smirked, reeling at the chance to watch you two play tug-o-war over secrets.
"Yes as in out of the class."
You hadn't meant it to come off as sharp and had to stop yourself before you apologized.
You never had to step back from a friendship before and never rekindled one either, so you were unsure of how to deal with the awkwardness.
Taking the not-so-subtle hint, Ominis once again fell quiet.
"What happened between you?" Imelda asked, waving her fork at us. "Did someone confess and scare the other off?"
Noticing you tense, Sebastian spoke. "Didn't you say you were going to get some flying in? Aren't you cutting it close?"
She scoffed and started yet another rant on how disappointed she was about quidditch being cancelled.
You sent him a silent "thank you" before getting back to eating.

    Classes felt like they took longer than usual as you grew antsy. The first trial wasn't easy and you knew it would only get worse with each one.
The boys noticed you shifting in your seat like you were getting ready to bolt every time the teacher would talk.
Ominis thought it was due to him being there, but you had chosen to work at the same station as they did.
It didn't help that once Professor Garlick had dismissed the class, you bolted from your chair and hastily stashed your books away.
You had already made it to the door before either could stand.
Sebastian, knowing more about your secret than anyone else, other than Natty, kept quiet.
"Something must have been important," Leander mumbled as he started towards the door.
The neutral expression broke enough for Sebastian to catch it and lightly clapped Ominis on the shoulder, offering comfort instead of sharing the secret. 
"Wait a minute, they forgot their notes," Sebastian mentioned as he slipped them out from under the potted dittany you ensured to fertilize before the end of class.
Ominis heard him rush out of the room as he gathered his belongings.
He knew making things up to you wasn't going to be easy, but he hadn't counted on you avoiding him.
"They used the floo flames."
"To get to Professor Fig's classroom?" Ominis asked softly, his gut telling him something wasn't right.
"I guess," Sebastian replied, busying himself with putting up his work.
Ominis took the notes, tracing the sloppy handwriting for a second, before taking up his wand and sliding off the stool.
"I'll bring them to Fig's classroom."
He didn't wait for Sebastian to comment as he left the room.

   The second trial felt similar to the first, though the keepers were pleased to see your progress, not that it felt much like a victory personally.
You still didn't know why you were the only one who could see ancient magic and you didn't get any answers from the last pensive, only more questions.
Not that the keepers themselves were willing to share as they decided to put a pause on the next trial.
Now you'd have to return to the common room and try to explain why you were nearly out past curfew.
Professor Fig noticed your frustration and wrongly thought it was from the trial, not that you were about to clarify.
Ominis was cranky at times, but you couldn't hate him enough that you'd want him to end up in Azkaban.
You knew he didn't deserve that fate. Besides, he already made his guilt his prison.

   You left the Map Chamber, heading outside to clear your head enough so you could face what awaits you in the common room.
You knew Sebastian would want to ask you about your adventure or any new information.
He'd be just as disappointed as you when he learned that it didn't give any insight as to why you had this ability or how you can use it.
No one paid any attention as you began to wander the grounds.
You couldn't help but feel like this was the calm before the storm as you turned your gaze up towards the sky, seeing stars beginning to shine against the dimming light.
"You lied."
So much for that idea.
You sighed as your eyes closed, head falling away from the scenery as reality crashed down.
"You forgot your herbology notes, so I went to take them to you, but you weren't in Fig's classroom. Not even after he returned."
Given you weren't quite friendly with him, you didn't understand why he'd try returning your notes or why Sebastian hadn't intercepted.
You glanced back shocked to see he was equally hurt and angry.
"If you didn't want to go to Hogsmeade you could have just said so. You didn't need to lie-"
"I didn't lie about being busy," you corrected, turning to face him.
He scoffed, but before he could reply, a stern voice cut over him.
"Ominis darling, it's good to see you."
The air was warm, even for October, but you felt as if you'd been frozen in place.
Ominis's face darkened and before you knew it, he moved to your side, eyes hardening back into a practiced blankness.
Slowly, you turned to face the voice, seeing the very same two you had that night. Their laughter echoed in your brain, getting a trembling breath to escape before you could stop it.
"Who's your friend?"
At the attention, you took a step back while Ominis took the opportunity and inched his way between his parents and you.
"Why are you here?"
An emotionless mask fell over his tone and you knew his features mimicked even without seeing it.
"Ah, she must be that new fifth year everyone has been talking about. What excellent timing. We were just on our way to speak with Professor Black. Why don't you two join us?"
It was a request, not an option and both of you knew it.
"It's almost curfew, we should really be getting-"
"You'll be excused this once, come on."
They waved for the both of you to lead the way.
Knowing you have no choice, Ominis pushed you to walk first.

   You glanced behind you every turn, making sure they weren't going to attack when you were vulnerable, not that they could with Ominis following so closely. 
He hadn't spoken since entering the castle, he merely walked like he was body snatched by death and his body a puppet to whoever willed it.
You were grateful that Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt decided to lead once you made it to the trophy room.
Between the stairs, the fear and the fading adrenaline from the trial, you felt close to falling, but you didn't fight it as Ominis moved in front of you to follow his parents up the spiral staircase.
For a brief moment, you considered bolting and getting as far away from his parents as you could, but something about how Ominis acted, had you following him instead.
The group stopped long enough for Mr. Gaunt to say the password, so you snuck a glance at Ominis, but he was still unresponsive.
You waited for his parents to begin to climb the next set of stairs before you quickly pinched him.
You nearly sighed as his face screwed up in annoyance while he rubbed his arm.
"What was that for?"
"Making sure you're still in there," you admitted quietly. "You've been mindlessly following them since they arrived."
He said nothing, his jaw clenching as he started up the stairs after them.
Frustrated, you followed after him. He wasn't acting like the boy you've known since arriving at the school and you weren't about to leave him alone with his parents.
You walked through the door, trying to build false confidence that you could handle anything they threw at you. It wasn't like they could harm you on school grounds, right?
The door closed loudly behind you, drawing everyone's attention as all your bravado popped like a fragile balloon over fire.
Dread settled into your stomach as you fought back too many memories you tried to forget, all the while the Gaunts, Professor Black and your wizard parents watched you expectantly.


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