chapter 7, coming clean

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    You've still been...friendly with Sebastian, it was more reserved than you knew he liked, not that he was going to push it.
He had been doing a good job at keeping his head down and focusing on his normal day to day schoolwork.
Anne refuses to talk to him and she probably would have done the same to you, if not for Ominis.
It was something you'd decided to take on faith and try out as you moved over to him.
He had been studying in the room of requirement, but couldn't quite concentrate with you lurking. 
"I was wondering when you'd come over, you spent enough time pacing," he teased as he set his quill down. "Is something wrong?"
"No, but given everything that's happened and still might happen, I think you should know everything."
Worry flicked over his features as his head moved in your direction. "Everything?"
The hesitation in his voice made you swallow hard. "That I've been doing, with Professor Fig and why I'm being actively hunted."
"You're actually going to tell me?" He asked, though you sensed his unease to trust your word, not that you could blame him.
You moved to take the seat closest to him, but not beside him, your nerves were already wanting to rabbit from the room.
He waited patiently as you took a deep breath to steady yourself, before you began from that day the dragon attacked the carriage.

    Ominis looked paler than usual as he started in your direction, his body long deflated against the chair.
You'd have thought he'd have something to say, call you an idiot for jumping into danger or something. You hadn't spared any details, not about the ancient magic or about the adventures Sebastian dragged you into.
After everything, it felt like you needed someone to ensure you weren't going dark.
"That's one hell of a first year," he mumbled, while pressing his fingers to his forehead, before something clicked. "So that's what he meant when he said "between the two of you"."
Ah, you'd purposely tried to forget that night. "Yeah," you mumbled.
"Why now? Why'd you decide to tell me?"
"Well, Isadora became evil, stripping people's emotions away entirely, believing she was actually doing good-"
"And you're worried you're going to walk down the same path?"
Hearing it out loud made it sound real. Real enough to sting, to burn as your eyes burned and your nose tickled. "I don't want to hurt people."
He almost knocked his books all over the floor as he climbed out of his seat and squeezed into the chair with you with his arms winding around you.
"You won't."
He said it with such confidence that you almost believed him.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Everyone capable of great evil, are capable of great good. It's your choice to decide which you do," he replied softly, you could hear your father's voice echoing his. "If you don't want to hurt people, don't. If you're afraid you'd lose your temper, learn to control it so it doesn't control you. You have a choice, it's not predestined that you're going to follow in her footsteps, just like she didn't follow in her mentor's."
You nodded, grateful that he reminded you of something you lost sight of. It's easy to forget when you're the one who's in the dark without a light.
"Thank you," you whispered giving him a squeeze before letting him go.
"You're going to the last trial tonight?"
Worry laced his words as you glanced over his way while suppressing the urge to cry.
"Yeah, Professor Fig sent an owl."
"I know it's supposed to be a secret, so I can't offer to come with, but just, be careful."
A small smile forced its way into your face. "I will try."
You pushed yourself up from the chair and headed towards the door.

   With Ranrok so close to the repository, you immediately set out to Ollivanders, but when Rookwood showed up, you didn't expect him to kidnap you.
Sirona, who had been stopped to talk to a local, barely caught the sight of you being apparated away, she instantly sent word to Professor Weasley as Ollivander sent one to Professor Fig.
Ominis heard the uproar as voices explode in the room, he moved to follow them, finding Professor Weasley interrogating Sebastian about your whereabouts.
"She said she was going to meet with Professor Fig," Ominis answered coming closer. "What happened?"
"Sirona informed me that she came out of Ollivanders and was ambushed by Rookwood. She was grabbed from behind and apparated away."
Sebastian glanced at Ominis as his brows pinched together.
"I will try to find Professor Fig, hopefully he'll have some answers this time."
She left quickly, leaving Deek, Sebastian and Ominis staring at her retreating figure.
"Rookwood finally nabbed her, this isn't good."
Ominis nodded, while they tried to think of anywhere he could have gone, but the problem was, there were too many places to pick from.
"Maybe Poppy and Natsai know," Sebastian offered. "We can't just sit here and wait."
"Let's go," Ominis said without hesitation.

   After Solomon, you'd hoped you saw the last of those damned curses, but now here you were fighting for your life against at least twenty ashwinders.
Victor was dead set on wiping your existence from the face of the earth, if that wasn't obvious as he casted the killing curse.
You were too far away from the castle for any of the teachers to find you.
Being careful and mindful of the ashwinders behind you, you continued to fight back, slowly knocking their numbers down.
You decided it was a good thing they took turns for the most part and the practice you got from fighting them the whole term was helpful, but you knew you were tired from the last trial.
The last thing you could do is allow Victor to get his hands on the keeper wand. So, you fought until every last ashwinder was unconscious and it was down to you and Victor.
"Avada Kadavra!"
The words echoed in your head, a mixture of his, Sebastian's and every other ashwinder you heard speak it as you put all of your effort into your counter spell.
They slammed into each other with his determination and yours.
You pushed harder, knowing if you died here, no one would be able to stop Ranrok. You wouldn't see your muggle mother, your friends or your professors ever again.
Your wand began to heat up as if in silent agreement to live, to help you live and with the last bit of your energy, you sent the spell back at Victor.
It hit him hard enough to knock him off his feet, his eyes open and unblinking.
With all your energy spent, you collapsed to your knees as you heard a screech from above, before your body fell to lay down, ready to rest.
A hippogriff landed between you and Victor —no, Highwing, it was your friendly hippogriff.
People on brooms began to land as your eyes slowly fell closed.

   Still unconscious, you were taken to the hospital wing, where Ominis stashed the funky looking wand you had on you, in his robes with his.
You were thoroughly checked for wounds, but nurse Blainey said it was just from exhaustion and tried to get everyone to leave so you could sleep, but two Slytherins, a Gryffindor and one Hufflepuff, refused to leave no matter how many points the nurse threatened to take.
"What happened?" Professor Weasley asked walking in with Fig not far behind.
"We couldn't just let our friend be out there alone, so we used Poppy's and Natty's ashwinder routines to figure out the best place they'd try to take her. Once we figured that out, we went to find her."
Sebastian's oversimplification seemed to confuse her more.
"On school brooms and beasts?" She shook her head. "You five will receive detention for being out past curfew, as will Imelda, Amit, Garreth, Samantha, Adelaide, Leander, Everett, Nellie and Lenora. I can't stress how dangerous it was going out there at night like that. Even if you were a tiny army of students."
There was a hint of pride in her voice.
Everyone turned when a small laugh escaped your throat as you woke up. "Man, now I wish I'd seen that."
"You're in a lot of trouble young lady," Professor Weasley replied.
You opened your eyes. "For being kidnapped?"
"You've done a lot of things this year that broke the rules and I still don't have an answer as to why."
"I can clarify that," Professor Fig replied, as he met your eyes. "I think it's time they knew."
Weasley looked between you two before Fig led her from the room.
"A small army of students?" You teased as your eyes drifted towards your friends.
"Arrived just in time to hear Rookwood use the killing curse," Natty answered. "When you collapsed after him, we thought-"
Your energy was still low, but you forced a smile onto your face. "Was it at least cool looking?"
Ominis appeared unimpressed as Sebastian chuckled. "One on one, spells connected, an unconscious army of ashwinders surrounding you two. It was pretty epic."
"Dangerous, he means it was dangerous," Ominis corrected. "How did he manage to grab you anyway?"
"Ashwinder apparated behind me. He paid the residents to stay in their houses and-" You started patting your robes down for the wand, only finding your own. "Oh no. No, no, no."
"What?" Poppy asked as Ominis reached into his cloak and pulled the wand free.
All eyes moved to it in curiosity. "I figured this was important."
He handed it back to you.
"It is. It's very important."

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