Chapter 8, Repository

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          Once you had enough energy to climb out of bed, you snatched the keeper wand and moved to race out of the room, the only problem was your blind friend standing as a roadblock.
"You need time to recover before you go galavanting into more danger," he mentioned, already reaching out to push you back towards the bed.
"We don't have time for that, Ranrok knows where the last repository is. I need to know so I can keep him from using it."
"You will only end up getting yourself killed," he fired back.
"You need to let me go," you said, finally realizing in a fit of desperation you had cupped the sides of his face so he'd listen to you. "I know what Ronrok wants to do with that magic. ALL of us will suffer if I don't get to it first."
He seemed stunned into silence, so you used the opportunity to slip past him.
"She's going to need help and a lot of it if Ranrok really is going to attack soon," Sebastian mentioned as he watched you leave, until he noticed Ominis had fallen quiet. "Why are you all red? Are you- Oh my goodness, Ominis!"
"Shut up and let's hurry."

   The keepers were surprised and pleased to see so many come to help, though the current teachers weren't as enthused that students showed up.
Professor Weasley, knowing she wouldn't be able to deter them, split them up in groups led by a teacher and warned them that if they didn't listen to their assigned professor, the consequences could be on the same level as expulsion.
Ominis and Sebastian were put with Professor Hecat. As they were apparated inside, they heard the sounds of battle immediately.
"Is she okay?" Ominis asked as they remained on the high ground to distract the goblins the best they could.
"She's with Fig, they're carving their way through the goblins like they're standing still."
Sebastian exaggerated; there were a lot of them in the cavern and every time they'd defeat one, another would replace them.
Hecat put Ominis in charge of protego-ing any spells he sensed coming their way as Sebastian kept firing off spells faster than Hecat ever heard him do while dueling.
The other teachers had the same idea, keeping the duelists behind the ones who were adept with the shield spell, but not combat ones.
As a goblin moved to sneak up behind professor Sharp, while you and Fig fought a troll, Garreth launched a potion vial at the goblin. 
The explosion was small, but powerful enough to knock the goblin off its feet and over the ledge.
"I perfected it," Garreth mentioned once Sharp glanced in his direction.
"Ah, it seems you found a practical use for your side brewing," Sharp muttered before jumping into the fray again.

    You couldn't believe the teachers would allow students to help. There were plenty of older students that you didn't know fighting too, prefects you guessed, but you also saw familiar faces peppered about.
As you and Fig found the repository untouched, you knew you weren't the one who could handle that kind of magic. You barely managed with the basics. It was a better idea to keep it safe for now, not that Ranrok was going to allow it.
And though you did agree that the treatment of goblins, elves or beasts weren't fair, him trying to enslave wizards was only going to make things worse.
Everything seemed to blur together as you were once again in a one on one, but this time it was a giant dragon of emotional magic controlled by Ranrok.
Discovering the key to breaking his hold over the magic was easy, actually completing the task, was not.
To make matters worse, once you did, the magic went insane and started to crumble the supports holding Hogwarts up.
Desperately casting revelio to try stopping it, the energy you barely managed to build was quickly draining. The pressure lessened as another cast to help, drawing your eyes back to Professor Fig.
Relief flooded through you, but it quickly faded as the emotions pulled and tore at more foundations.
"You need to contain it!"
You barely glanced at Fig, seeing the professors and your friends rushing over to help.
You cast the magic that would bind Isadora's to your own prison. You used the ancient magic before, but this was bigger, harder and taxing.
You knew if you failed, all of you would die.
Panic set in as your magic began to waver.
The teachers and your friends stood with you, keeping the cavern from collapsing. You knew they were supposed to help you, give you strength, but you were a pessimist by circumstance and all you could think is how it was your fault they were going to die.
"You're stronger than you know."
Your eyes drifted to your side as Fig worked diligently, even catching your friends straining too.
"You can do this," Ominis said from your right, having sensed your fear. "You're not alone." 
You pushed as the faces of your friends, teachers, mother and father flashed through your mind and in one gust, your magic began to swallow Isadora's.
A chorus of "protego" sounded throughout the cavern to block them from the blast as the low hum of ancient magic replaced the loud chaos that just happened.
You let out a breath, looking around, seeing everyone looked worn out but were still standing.
Professor Fig, gave a proud smile as you moved over to him, even if it was a little bit slower than normal.
"I believe this should be returned to you," you mentioned, pulling his wife's wand from your pocket.
He took it carefully, his face melting in emotion. "She would have been proud to have met you, my young friend."
Smiling, you crashed into him, grateful he was alive, that all of you were.
He chuckled warmly as he hugged you back. "You did well."
You pulled back and chuckled. "All of us did."
Everyone smiled back through their exhaustion.
"It seems we'll need to have a meeting about this," Professor Weasley mentioned, though her voice was tender. "I'm assuming this was meant to be a secret."
You nodded as Fig rested his hand on your shoulder. "This was my fault. She was helping me finish my wife's research. I will take full responsibility."
Weasley sighed. "Very well, but first, we should get a good night's rest. All of us will have a tough time tomorrow expanding the charms of the castle to prevent this from happening again and our students still have exams to be worrying about."
You'd gladly just worry about school work for a while.

         No one spoke about the near destruction of the school, like it didn't happen and those that knew were still shaken at how close things came.
You were still expected to serve out detention with every other student that fought Ranrok or showed up after Rookwood.
"Seeing as I'm the detention veteran, I'll decide assigned seats," Sebastian mentioned.
"That's not something to be proud of," Cressida replied softly.
"Doing the worst in school, by your own words, you should take a seat and shush," Imelda mentioned, getting a few laughs.
Shaking your head, you sat down in the back, just watching the chaos unfold.
Ominis took the seat beside you, chuckling as he went. "They're certainly lively for detention."
You propped your head up on your hand while nodding. "I'm just glad all of us made it out in one piece."
"Agreed. I couldn't believe my ears when Sebastian said you were battling a dragon made of magic by yourself."
"It wasn't that impressive," you mumbled, only remembering dodging every three seconds.
Before he could reply, the door opened and the last person you expected to walk through the door entered the room.
"Professor Fig!" He smiled at how happy you were to see him. "You didn't get sacked."
"Surprisingly, I didn't. Though Professor Weasley did rebuff me for involving a new student in dangerous affairs."
Your brows bunched. "Did you get detention too?"
He gave a soft sigh. "Officially, I'm here to watch your detention, but as I'm not the original teacher of this class, I suspect that is the case."
Garreth groaned. "Sorry Professor."
"I would like to discuss what happened below Hogwarts however," he said moving to sit behind the desk. "And press the importance of keeping all that you saw a secret."
"The only thing I remember was my potions worked!" Garreth exclaimed.
"Of course they worked, you were blowing them up and you're proficient at that," Imelda replied.
The room echoed with chuckles as he turned red.
"Professor Sharp was pretty impressed," Fig mentioned with a smile.
"I was mostly trying to block incoming spells so others could fight without being distracted," Cressida admitted, getting a few voices of agreement.
"I do appreciate everyone's help," you replied, eyes stopping on every face. "Though I am sorry you were pulled into it."
"Like we wanted to wake up and find that you and Professor Fig died down there," Ominis mentioned readily.
"Besides, it was our choice to follow you," Everett added. "Even if we did get detention."
"Yeah, but did you notice that no house points were taken?" Samantha asked, smirking. "I'd like to believe that our detention was merely to ensure others don't do dangerous things."
"I'm just hoping next year isn't as eventful," Arthur admitted.
With a smirk, you looked over at Fig. "I don't know, have anything planned next year?"
He chuckled. "Just homework."
Everyone laughed, before they started to recall a few more things they did while fighting. Mostly it was Imelda whining about not having a broom, Everett quickly agreeing or Natsai talking about how cool the professors were while they fought.

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