Chapter 6, getting worse

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   Things only became more complicated as time went on, despite the best efforts of your friends.
Sebastian was flying off the rails.
Ominis was getting worried and thus sharper towards you too.
You couldn't feel more backed into a corner as things came to a head and you rushed to get to Sebastian before he made things worse for himself.
He was gleefully talking about controlling the inferious you had just fought through to get to him, but you knew only powerful dark wizards could.
Fear prickled your skin as you stared at him.
"Sebastian, this isn't going to help Anne!" He wasn't paying attention as he rambled on about controlling her curse. "You're not even in control of yourself!"
"What have the two of you done!" Solomon's voice snapped as your gaze shot to him.
He summoned the relic right out of Sebastian's hands and destroyed it.
"No!" Sebastian's voice echoed in your head as everything began to unravel and the next thing you knew a fight broke out.
The inferious turned on Sebastian, whether it be from the relic being destroyed or Solomon's doing, you weren't sure, but you focused on keeping them back while they fought each other.
You begged both of them to stop, to put this madness behind them, but they weren't listening, too stubborn or prideful to set it aside.
You'd hoped they'd tire out and talk about their problems, but with two words, all of it faded as you whipped around barely seeing the trail of green smack Solomon in the chest.
You saw the shock written all over Sebastian's face as he dropped his wand to the floor, just before fire roared up, drawing your eyes to Anne before she knocked Sebastian down.
Her wand pointed to you, but she noticed you didn't turn it on her and probably the fear in your face because of what you witnessed.
She turned towards her uncle. It looked like she was saying something, but you couldn't quite hear it as everything seemed to fall silent, which left only a loud ringing in your ears.
Everything caught up to itself as Anne disappeared, making the noise crash down giving you a headache.
Your instincts screamed to run, to get far away from this situation, but the other part of you couldn't leave Sebastian behind.
He looked worse than you felt.
You picked up his wand as you rushed over to him, grabbing the front of his robes and yanked him up to his feet.
"Come on!" You hissed, pushing him towards the exit, remaining behind him so he couldn't stop.
He didn't say anything until you were outside the catacombs.
You barely caught the words, only heard that he needed to get away from Feldcroft, your mind flying through thoughts faster than you could process them.
You were a party to someone's murder, you helped him escape. How could you not stop him? Now you were no better than your parents or all the other dark wizards you've been trying so hard to prove you weren't like.
You felt a sharp shake on your shoulder, forcing you to blink seeing you had collapsed into a sitting position at some point and Ominis was kneeling in front of you. Nighttime had fallen at some point without you realizing it.
The smallest sigh escaped him as he nodded. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Tears jetted down your cheeks as fresh memories pressed down. "I tried to stop him, but a fight broke out. There was inferious everywhere. I didn't see it until it was too late. I begged for them to stop-"
Just like you had that night. The answer remained the same and someone died because of it.
You dropped your head, having to cling to Ominis's robes just to stop the rest from following.
He gently wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on top of yours so you could use him for support. "You couldn't have stopped it. Solomon and Sebastian are both stubborn and they never back down from a fight."
"What am I supposed to do?" The question made him tense, being you've made a point to do everything yourself. "Please tell me what I'm supposed to do?"
The only reply you got, was him tightening his arms around you.

   By the time you got back to the castle, you realized you still had Sebastian's wand.
You didn't know what to do or say, everything just felt numb. Too close to how it felt back then, a fresh reminder that you'd always be chained to that past. You couldn't change it, no matter how much you wished or ignored it. That darkness would follow you like a grim waiting for it's chance to pounce.
Ominis had to half drag you to the undercroft, where Sebastian was pacing the floor.
"There you are," he said glancing at both of you as you stared at the wall in front of you.
"Your sister just had to bury your uncle alone," Ominis snapped back, not moving from my side. "She wants to turn you in."
She wasn't happy to see you when you and Ominis showed up, but he told her that you tried to stop Sebastian from going too far.
You never took him for a liar.
He even explained the past you and he had, which seemed to change the way she looked at you, but it felt like a bandaid that hid your part in Sebastian's story.
The three of you discussed what should be done about Sebastian, but none of you could bring yourself to decide.
Each wanted him to pay for what he's done, but after telling them about the look on his face and producing his wand that he left behind, they couldn't bring themselves to send him to Azkaban.
"Turn me in?" Sebastian's voice startled you out of your thoughts. "You were there, you saw that I didn't have a choice."
You knew Solomon disliked Sebastian, even made Anne believe she was incurable and didn't even look for a cure.
"Talk to him, please?"
For a moment, he almost sounded like the friend you had made the first day of term.
"I'll try," you replied, voice thick with emotion.
You moved over to Ominis, who immediately turned to face you as you approached.
"I don't want to lose Sebastian, but we may not have a choice."
"He wanted me to come over and talk to you," you started slowly. "I want him to pay for killing someone, his uncle, but I can't dismiss everything else I've seen. The way Solomon treated him-"
"That's no reason to kill someone."
You nodded. "No, it isn't. He went too far, but Solomon wasn't backing down either. I'm not saying anything either way. It's not my place to decide this. I was there and I- I don't know what to do Ominis."
He nodded as he sighed. "Will sending him to Azkaban help him understand what he's done?"
You met his milky eyes. "You didn't need to get sent to Azkaban to stop. Maybe Solomon will be to him what I was to you."
"Alright," he whispered. "I will inform Anne of the decision. She'll agree to it if it comes from me."
You nodded as you headed over to Sebastian, pulling his wand from your pocket.
His eyes snapped to it as if he didn't realize he lost it.
"We'll keep this secret," you started, catching his wrist when he reach out to take his wand. "But if you use any of those curses again, I will go directly to the headmaster and tell him everything."
You made sure to stare into his eyes ensuring your intention was properly absorbed before you put his wand in his hand.
The gravity of your words seemed to weigh his shoulders down as you let go of his hands.
"I'm truly sorry to both of you. I have been a horrible friend and I will make it up to you."
You and Ominis remained quiet as he left the undercroft.
"I don't know if we did the right thing," you admitted softly.
"We'll face whatever consequences comes our way, but I know we'll have to face it together."
You nod, finding the whole situation made you feel cold and empty and you couldn't help but wonder if Ominis felt the same way.
When you looked over, regret and pain laced his features, but he let out a small exhale. "Come on, let's go inform Anne."

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