chapter 3, meeting the family

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    The fireplace felt warmer than you remembered. The embers stirring the remaining bits of emotion that hadn't been toyed with today.
You were relieved it was passed curfew and most of your fellow Slytherins had already gone to bed, but you could have done without the attention of both boys, who had been patiently waiting for you to say something.
Shifting after what felt like centuries, Sebastian broke the silence. "Are you okay?"
He scooched to the edge of his seat to see your face better, not that it seemed to appease him.
"What happened?" He looked to Ominis who sighed softly for the hundredth time. "Everything was strained this morning, but nowhere near this level. Then you come back from Professor Black's office- you're not getting expelled, right?"
"I wish," you mumbled, before pressing your fingers into your temples.
Sebastian nearly fell off the sofa and looked to Ominis for clarification.
"My parents were here," he started slowly, the words had more venomous than before. "They wanted to let me know they were happy I was becoming friends with the newest Slytherin pureblood whose already made a name for herself."
You grimaced as a shiver ran through you. The underlying end game was all too clear for your taste.
"They called you both to meet your parents?"
I sneered his way, getting him to twist away slightly.
"If meeting the family that tortured Ominis and I wasn't enough," you clarified sharply, earning an apologetic look from both boys. "My parents were there too. To inform me that I was once again part of the family and then both of sides began to get increasingly interested in our friendship and wondered just how close we were getting."
Sebastian's face screwed up into half sympathy and a scowl. "They do remember who you are, right?"
You scoffed, but pressed your fingers to your mouth to stop more from slipping out. At the moment, your filter was broken.
Noticing, Ominis spoke. "They didn't recognize her."
Of course they wouldn't recognize me, they tortured plenty of people in their time, one face wouldn't stand out.
"Your lives are getting pretty twisted," Sebastian mumbled.
You sent him a look as your hand dropped onto the armrest, making Ominis jump slightly.
"Don't get mad at me because you two are in this mess. I didn't drag you into it...this time."
Sighing, you stood and started pacing behind the couch, ignoring Sebastian as he continued to press Ominis.
You wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for that dragon attacking the carriage. If it wasn't for some rare magic you couldn't run away from. If you had kept a low profile, maybe your wizard parents wouldn't have found out about you being accepted into Hogwarts. Maybe you could still escape, get away before their claws dig further into your skin.
No, you couldn't do that to Fig, the answers he needed were ones only you could give him.
"You're going to wear a hole in the stone," Sebastian's voice said, drawing your gaze, seeing both of them following your movements. "Come on, they were just checking in right?"
You narrowed your eyes, getting a smirk before you realized he was just trying to lighten the mood.
"I don't know about their parents, but mine don't randomly check in unless they want something."
Exhaling softly, you rested your weight on the couch. "I haven't spoken to mine since they dropped me in the middle of nowhere. But, I know them, they wouldn't have come here unless they were after something."
Ominis nodded as he tapped his leg uncomfortably. "I think they're going to try to pair us."
You noticed the glance Sebastian sent you both as you ran a hand through your hair, your stomach twisting. "The last thing I want is being related to those people."
"Which? His parents, yours or Ominis?" Sebastian teased.
"Our so called parents."
Sliding closer, Sebastian smirked. "You're defending Ominis now?"
You spared him a glance before your eyes met Sebastian's. "You can't fake what I saw tonight."
Ominis knew what you meant, but seemed grateful for your avoidance.
"What does that mean?"
"It means we have to find a way out of this mess before it escalates," you answered as you began to pace again.
You knew you and Ominis couldn't avoid each other now, not when both sets of parents knew the two of you were friends, even if you were still unsure you could call it that.
"There's nothing we can do to change their minds," Ominis mentioned louder than he needed, as if knowing your mind would take over. "We'll just have to hope they let this go."
"To be honest, they could be against the idea of you two hanging around together too. Right now, there are just assumptions. We have to wait for more to go on."
You grumbled, but you knew he was right. Anything you do now could just make things worse for the both of you and better for them.

   You tried to continue classes like normal, but you felt eyes on you everywhere and given how jumpy Ominis was being, he felt it too.
It got so bad that everyone began to avoid the both of you, save Sebastian who mostly seemed uncomfortable.
It reached the breaking point just after dinner.
"We can't go to the undercroft, they know about it."
Ominis just stared forward, you didn't know if he was just getting used to it or slipping into his head to escape.
"I might know a place actually, follow me."
You knew it was meant to help your homework with no distractions, but this whole situation turned into a hellscape.
The boys followed you up to the seventh floor, confused as to why you were leading them to the astronomy tower, but instead you stopped in the hallway as a door slowly started to materialize on the wall.
"Quickly," you hissed, practically shoving Sebastian in first, though you were a careful with Ominis so you wouldn't shove him into the wall.
"Ah, you're back," Deek said moving around the corner, seeing the two boys with you. "And you brought company."
You'd forgotten Deek was here, you'd only focused on wanting a place no one else seemed to know about.
"Uh, yeah, we have to study and it's nearly curfew and our common room is noisy for the next couple hours."
Nodding Deek smiled at the boys. "Let Deek know if you need anything."
Sighing, you lead the boys further into the room, moving through a hall and into the area you turned into a living room, with plants on one side and potions on the other.
"What is this place?" Sebastian mumbled as he plucked a book off one of the nearest bookcases.
"The room of requirement," you admitted as you sat down on the couch. "Professor Weasley showed it to me so I could get caught up on school work."
Ominis took a seat as the prickly sensation of being watched faded.
"I guess it's safe to say neither knows about this place?" Sebastian asked, after watching your expressions relax.
"All day," Ominis whispered. "They've been watching all day."
Sebastian placed the book on the shelf before moving to sit. "You two look like you're about to pass out."
Almost immediately, three beds appeared in the middle of the floor, making the boys jump, before their attention turned to you.
"The room can change to accommodate the needs of those inside it."
"Then apparently, even the room agrees," he replied.

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