Chapter 5, downtime

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Garreth hadn't been wrong, Poppy and Natty decided to take you out to Hogsmeade for your day off, not that you didn't have a sour Slytherin following everywhere you went.
With his friend in tow, teasing him for crashing the outing.
Though you were grateful Sebastian decided to put the whole "goblin" fight to rest. You knew why he hated them and you could understand, but at the same time, being called ignorant did hurt more than you wanted to admit.
You guessed it was a pride thing, yours and his, because he couldn't see the path he was trying to drag you and Ominis down.
He'd already used two of the three unforgivable curses and the only reason you hadn't turned him in, was because all three of you would have died if he didn't and Anne would have for the second. Though, you were quick to name off all the other spells he could have used to knock the goblin away.
As you walked, you noticed there were more than a few professors in town too. You'd like to think they'd just wanted a moment's break, but you caught how they'd glance over every once in a while.
"It's not quite the day of fun we had planned," Poppy mumbled, her eyes flicking to the boys nearby.
"It is nice to get out of the castle however and more friends that join, make it more enjoyable," Natty added quickly.
"It wasn't the intention to invite ourselves your swaray," Sebastian admitted, shooting Ominis a glance. "We've been trying to get her to go with us for weeks."
When Poppy and Natty side glanced, you knew you were in trouble and by their slow, cheeky grins, it was only going to get worse.
"Well, we're going to Honeydukes and then head to the Three Broomsticks afterwards," Natty said as she clasped her hands behind her back. "You're welcome to come with."
Everyone, save for Ominis, saw the glare you shot her.
Chuckling, Sebastian tossed an arm over your shoulder. "Wouldn't miss it."
"You too Ominis?" Poppy asked, her voice taking on a way too delighted tone.
"I- I suppose that's a good idea."
The look that passed between Natty, Poppy and Sebastian had you dreading what was to come.

   Apart from them having to make sure you and Ominis were nearly side by side everywhere you went or sat, it wasn't a bad day.
"So, you can change into an animal at any time?" Poppy whispered, her mouth dropping to the floor.
Natty smiled. "Yes, though it hurts at first, you can get used to it."
"I wonder what kind of animagus would Poppy even be?"
"Puffskein," you answered nearly automatically, earning a chuckle.
She let out a playful gasp, getting everyone to laugh.
"Okay, what about Ominis?"
You watch his brows pinch before he turned his head your way, not that he could ask anything over the round of laughter.
"What about Sebastian?" Natty asked through chuckles.
Natty and Poppy broke out in such loud laughter that half the tavern looked over.
"Things over here sound very lively," Sirona teased as she walked over.
Poppy nodded. "We're talking about what animal we'd be if we were an animagus. She thinks I'd be a Puffskein. Ominis would be a Kneazle and Sebastian a Troll."
Sirona chuckled as her eyes darted around the cups just in case someone needed a refill.
"If I'd be a troll, that would mean you'd be a Mongrel."
All of us snickered again, telling Sirona that we were just having a bit of fun.
"Ooh, what about Sirona?" Poppy asked as she tapped the table quickly.
"Hippogriff," you answered, getting surprise to flicker over her face. "Loyal and protective."
Before she could reply, Garreth, Cressida, Samantha, Adelaide and Amit walked over.
"It sounds lively over here," Amit teased.
Sirona chuckled as she moved to grab the empty cups befire heading back to the counter.
"We were guessing what kind of animagus we'd be," Poppy replied as everyone shifted to make room, though it made a tight fit and my shoulders were sandwiched between Ominis and Natty.
"Are you thinking of becoming one?" Samantha asked, taking the seat on the end.
"No, it's just a fun thing to think about though."
"You'd have to hold a mandrake leaf in your mouth for a whole month," Cressida mentioned. "That just seems like a choking hazard."
"I guess that rules you out," Garreth mentioned looking directly at you. "With all the trouble you get into, there's no way you could go a month without casting a spell."
Everyone but Ominis and Sebastian laughed, but you didn't want to think about all the things you still had to do or were wrapped up in. Not today.
"Yeah, I'd be at it for the rest of my life," you added, getting another round of laughter.
"It's nice to get outside the castle for a little while," Amit mumbled softly.
"Especially when Garreth keeps blowing up potions," Samantha teased. "How did your last one go?"
I snickered before I could stop myself.
"It didn't work out the way I'd hoped."
Hoping for a better response, they turned their eyes to you.
"It blew up as Sharp came into the classroom," you clarified, earning an array of amusement and shock over everyone's features, before I recounted the entire story, getting some to wheeze as they laughed. "I still don't know how we dodged getting a detention." 
"Isn't it obvious?" Natty asked, her voice suddenly somber. "The teachers are worried about you. They're the ones who suggested getting you out of the castle for a while."
You motioned behind you. "Is that why we have a professor entourage?"
Not that you could blame them after everything that's happened.
"Or it could be because three Slytherins don't come back to the common room at night," Imelda replied as she took a seat with the group, further pushing you to bunch up.
"We've already explained that to Professor Weasley," Sebastian replied, shifting to try fitting into his spot better.
Noticing he wasn't going to clarify, the subject went right back to you.
"I know school can be hard and starting off as a fifth year doesn't help, but you can come to us," Cressida mentioned.
"This isn't an intervention, is it?" You teased, before breaking out into a wide grin. "I'm fine, I swear. All I have to worry about is schoolwork."
You could see shadows fall over the faces of those who knew there was more to your year than that, those who didn't, merely nodded.

   The professors didn't hide the fact that they were following you back to the castle and even joined the conversation, thanks to Professor Ronen.
"I'm going to be adding that little detail to the story when I tell Professor Garlick," Ronen admitted happily as Garreth was pushed into telling him the potion story.
"Did Sharp even notice he was talking like that?" Imelda asked.
"So, I'm not the only one you've been lying to?" Ominis asked soft enough no one could hear.
"Yes, now don't you feel better?"
Sebastian snorted softly, before trying to cover it with a cough.
As you glanced at Ominis, you saw he was unimpressed.
"You want to know more about me?" By the sigh he let slip, he knew he was about to get more sarcasm. "I like nighttime, long walks on the beach and sleeping in. I even keep a stuffed animal of a Kneazle at the foot of my bed called Tammy."
"You're such a liar," he half growled as Sebastian covered his mouth to silence his chuckling.
"If you know that why do you keep expecting anything else from me?"
The question made him fall quiet like he hadn't asked himself that before.

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