Part 27

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Smiling excitedly, Natasha says "See you in a minute, her daughter replies, "Yay, and with the stones".

They all shrink and enter the Quantum Realm, and they all split at different intervals, going to a different place at a different time in history.

At Morag in 2014, Rhodey is getting off the Benatar as it lands.

Rhodey instructs, "Alright. Bring it down low. Right on that line. That's it. Down, down."

Clint asks "Hey, can we hurry it up?"

Zola sighs, "We have infinity stones to get, remember people?"

Natasha looks at her daughter and then back up at the shop, "How could anyone forget that, sweetheart? Guys, chop-chop. Come on. We're on a clock.

Nebula walks out of the ship, apparently having directed it to its next destination.

Rhodey thanks, "All that, is really helpful", hugging Natasha and Zola . "Take care, okay?"

Nat says "Yeah."

Rhodey replies "Take that stone and come back. No messing around."

Zola laughs "And why would we possibly want to do that, see you!"

To Rhodey Clint answers "Hey. You got this."

Rhodey instructs "Let's get it done. Yes, sir."

Walking with Clint back into the ship, Nat smiles, "See you back."

Rhodey states "You guys watch each other's six."

Clint and Nat look back and just smile.

Clint says "Yeah", while Zola says "Look after yourselves too, Byee!!"

They walk back into the ship, and the hatch closes. The ship takes off and speeds out of the atmosphere of Morag.

Nebula replies "The coordinates for Vormir are laid in. All they have to do is not fall out." (Yeah well what about falling off you-know-what, yeah I'll stop now.)

In the Benatar, Clint, Zola and Nat are sitting at the front of the ship. The ship takes a jump through space and speeds up tremendously. Nat and Clint look at each other. Zola looks at the ground.

Clint says "It's a long way from Budapest." Zola stares at him confused, Clint just answers "It's a long story."

Natasha just laughs.

Zola, Natasha and Clint arrive.

Clint is amazed, "Wow– Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome."

Natasha, Zola and Clint start walking towards the mountain and climb it.

Nat replies, "I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain."

Zola adds on, "Technically, he's not a raccoon, you know."

Nat answers, "Whatever. He eats garbage."

The red skull there says, "Welcome."

Natasha and Clint draw their weapons, Zola's hands start to turn and orange colour.

The red skulls, welcomes, "Zola, daughter of Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith."

Nat smiles, and asks, "Who are you?"

The red skull answers, "Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone and Chaos Stone."

Zola replies, "Oh, good. You tell us where it is. Then we'll be on our way."

The red skull says, "Ah, liebchen– If only it were that easy."

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