"Your in my home."

785 13 7

Redson x Realword!Fem!Reader
Requested by emmaks01

Y/N arrived home, her day was long and filled with boredom. At last she could just do something fun. "Well, It's  late, tommrow is my day off, and I'm extremely bored." Y/N acknowledged, grabbing her TV remote. "I'll just start making some dinner and just watch Monkie kid." She planned, her night was going to be just relaxed and entertaining. That was Until she had heard he TV making a strange noise. "What the actual heck?" She muttered, walking over to her TV.

The TV was Stuck on a weird blue, yellow, and white swirls. Y/N was confused, she got closer to it muttering "What is wrong with my TV" until she saw it shaking. Y/N backed away from it, hope that the TV would just stop shaking. But instead the Tv's screen got really bright, so bright that Y/N had to cover her eyes. As the bright light quick went away a giant creaking sound and a three thuds. Opening her eyes, Y/N looked that the demon bull King family. Dropped her knife and tomato she muttered "What the fuck..." as the family stood up from where they landed.

"Son. where are we" Asked the Demon Bull King. "I don't know father, I didn't know that would work." Redson replied standing up from Y/N's couch. "Are you to alright?" Ask princess Iron Fan. A tinging sound caught all of their attention to see Y/N, her eyes widened, he mouth a gap, and her knife on the ground. "Y-your in my home s-sir..." Y/N mumble, kneeling down and picking up the knife she dropped. "And I hope I am having a weird dream, otherwise I'am have to buy a new TV." She states, pointed to her now broken TV. "And before I go back to the kitchen, did any of you eat anything?" She asks. The three shook their heads no, causing Y/N to sigh. "Well sit tight, I go and make some good for you guys." She said, returning to her kitchen just thinking "What the fuck am I doing?! You know what Y/N just go with it, may they won't try to hurt you if your nice to them, doesn't make me less nervous but Atleast they try to harm me right...?"

After about a hour of hard work, the mushroom spaghetti she had plan to make was finished. "Well, the took longer to make, which makes since I was making it for four people, and a single serving takes like 15 minites..." Y/N rambled as she went to grab some silverware. But she accidentally cut her finger with a knife in her silverware drawer. Her yelp caught Redson's attention, who was writing on some paper he found in the living room. "Is everything okay in here" Redson asked, running into the kitchen. Y/N was caught of Guard and cut her finger ever worse then her already pulling out it out of the drawer. "Son of a cagna!" She squeaked, then she saw Redson. "Oh...Hello umm...Red? How long were you standing there." She asked, nervously smiling. "Long enough, Here. Let me help." Redson stated walking to Y/N and grabbing her hand. Her had a first aid kit and so her bandaged wounded finger. "There. Here, I'll help you set the table okay?" Redson said, grabbing some forks for Y/N's Can not drawer. Y/N was frozen for a minute, then she smiled.

"Okay, thank you..."

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