Worry, Scratching, and Recover

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Redson x Y/N with neurodermatites (He/They)
Requested by DsmpMlbMha

TW! Mentions of scratching at the skin, anxiety, and a anxiety attack.

Y/N was at home, waiting for Redson to visit them since he said he would. But he was taking longer than usual and they was growing worried.

Y/N started to scratch at his skin, namely his neck as he began to think out what might have happened to Redson. 'Was he in an accident? Could he have gotten hurt? Where is Redson? Is he okay?' Were all thoughts that ran through his head. His skin was increasing getting itchy as he scratched it, making him want to scratch it more and more...

Y/N was pacing back and forth, completely worried abou Redson. He was still scratching at himself as his breath became shorten and his muscles tensed up. The world around him was fading from his vision, until he saw a black void and started to have visions of Redson being hurt of trapped... He tried to stop thinking like that, but he could help it. He was very scared but Redson being hurt. And not being there if he needed them.

These thoughts plague Y/N, and they were drilling deeply into his mind.

Meanwhile, Redson arrives at Y/N's apartment, and he use the key they had given him so he could visit whenever he wanted. And when he walked inside, he saw they state Y/N was in, and he immediately went to help them.

"Y/N?! Hey! Hey, hey! It's okay." Redson states as he close the door and ran to Y/N, carefully placing his hands on their shoulders. "My love, I'm right here. It's okay, It's okay." He caresses Y/N's shoulders, trying to help him distress.

Y/N shook he head and he looked at Redson. "R-Red..." He softly whispered.

Redson noticed that Y/N was scratching his neck, and so moved his hand to Y/N's, gently pulling it away, and holding both of their hand so they would scratch himself anymore.

"It's okay... You got worried didn't you?" Redson asked, receiving a nod from Y/N. He sighed, and he hugged them. "Let's go get a cool cloth on your neck okay?"

"O-Okay." Y/N responsed as he was lead by Redson to the kitchen, when Redson got a cloth, ran it under cool water, strained it, and then applied it to Y/N's neck. Which did help as he lead them to the could, and cuddled with them holding the cloth around their in place as the irritation started to go away and as Y/N calmed down.

Redson held Y/N close, letting them rest their head on his chest. He whispered; "I'm here Y/N... and I always will be. So you don't need to worry anymore.. just relax okay? I'll be here. Safe and sound." His voice soft and comforting... or as comforting as possible he muster. This helped Y/N relax more, and the two just snuggled as they started to watch a movie together.

Redson was safe here... and Y/N knew that. With Redson's help, they felt ease for the rest of the night. Not wanting to leave Redson's side.

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