02. hobi

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ii. hobi

The sunlight blinded me the moment I stepped out of the house. I quickly slid the ray bans over my eyes to conceal the dark bags underneath my eyes. Following closely behind Grandma I crossed the street feeling panic well inside me the closer we got to my childhood home.


I could only pray we didn't have to step inside the place.

"D-do we have to go inside?" I asked, beating myself up over my stutter. Grandma stopped suddenly and looked back at me, immediately understanding the reason of my balking. "We don't have to, sweetheart. We'll drop this off and leave."

Shuddering while walking up to the house, I practically hid behind Grandma waiting for the door to open after she rung the bell.

You're okay, Grey. Just breath.

Running feet was heard on the other side of the door, and I held my breath as it opened. Heart shaped lips were the first thing I noticed once the man stepped outside of my old home. His eyes were crinkled as he smiled widely, exposing bright, white teeth. Forcing my body to move further behind my smiling Grandmother, I recognized this man. The one I labelled the 'cheerful one'.

"Thank you, Mrs. Taylor." He thanked, shiny brown hair concealing his beautiful face as his head lowered. His dark eyes flicked from her, to me hiding behind her. I was thankful I wore my sunglasses so no one could see the widening of my eyes.

"Ah! Who's this?" He asked Grandma, sending me a kind smile. Ignoring the kick of my heart, I gave a small wave and a tiny quirk of my lips. It was the closest thing I had gotten to a smile, these days. Grandma stepped away and I was left unprotected. "Hoseok, this is my granddaughter, Greyson."

The man's face lit up, "Oh! We've heard so much about you. It's nice to meet you."

To not be rude, I slipped my glasses on top of my head, "Nice to meet you too, Hosoek." I returned, pronouncing his name perfectly, due to my knowledge of the Korean language. I would hate to embarrass myself and mispronounce his name while speaking.

─ grey ; btsWhere stories live. Discover now