13. blowup

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xiii. blowup

Guilt welled inside of me as I sat across from the guys—every one of them upset. Picking at the food on my plate, I searched for something to say. Jin refused to look in my direction as he shoved chips past his pillowy lips.

"Alright," I abruptly said, smacking my hand on the table, gaining their attention. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to hurt you by lying to you." I winced, peeking over at Jin. His hand froze, chips lingering near his mouth.

Slowly, his eyes slid towards me before connecting with mine. "Why did you lie then?" He asked, throwing the chips back on his plate. I ignored the other's eyes on my face, although I felt relieved when Namjoon's eyes widened in realization.

"Ah," He whispered, "Fuck."

A sad smile pulled at my lips, "I — well for the past three years I hadn't celebrated my birthday." I chuckled uncomfortably, "Grandma is hard saying no to."

Jin stared into my haunted eyes for a moment before his eyes softened. He knew there was more to the story, and he would wait until I was ready to tell him. Feeling touched and grateful, I reached over the table and laid my hands over his.

Feeling heat erupt where my hand touched his, I soon removed it once his ears tinged red.

"Ah, alright. I forgive you, my little bun." He sighed, broad shoulders relaxing.

"Good!" I grinned, standing up, "I'm going to talk to my grandma—then, I'm gonna open up those!" My hands were itching to rip open the paper on the gifs to see what was inside. I ignored the intense look Jungkook was giving me, not so subtle turned my chin up and left — no doubt pissing him off.

Don't care.

Waving over my shoulder to the guys, I ambled over to Grandma and watched her with a raised brow, "What are you doing?"

Grandma looked up with a small smile, "I'm going to take this over to the your dads, do you want to come? Maybe we can see if they can come and watch you open your presents."

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