09. homewrecker?

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       iv. homewrecker?



That night, I slept the entire night. There were no waking up sweating from the nightmares-and no tears. Writing this experience down in my journal lifted a weight off my shoulders.

I felt better.

Not healed, but instead of being haunted by the look in Mom's eyes as she died, I dreamed of her happy, laughing, alive. I also dreamed of them.

I dreamed of Hobi. I dreamed of Jin. I dreamed of Jungkook. I dreamed of Yoongi. I dreamed of Jimin. I dreamed of Tae. I even dreamed of Namjoon.

Unsure of why I had dreamed about seven men I hardly knew, I brushed it off. Or tried to. That morning, I woke up in a good mood for once, showered and dressed myself in a comfortable outfit.

Unsure of my plans for today, I checked the date on my phone, catching my breath once the date registered.

March 12th.

My nineteenth birthday was approaching quicker than I realized.

Pushing it to the back of my mind, I tried to hold onto my good mood. I made my bed and cleaned up the mess I made while studying. Looking around my now cleaned room, a small satisfied smile pulled at my lips.

"You're getting to be okay now, Grey." I told him quietly, hearing shuffling downstairs, signaling that father was now awake. Ignoring this, I gently dusted off my curtains and peeked outside my window. Only to choke on my spit once my eyes connected to something to a scene that wasn't meant for my eyes.

What the fucking fuck?

Blinking back the image of Jungkook sitting on top of the hood of his car, while some leggy brunette climbs onto his lap — lips pressed frantically against his. I burned away the image of his hands grasping her small bottom, neading roughly.

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