07. taehyung

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vii. taehyung

The Charleston mall was filled to the brim with people, pushing and shoving their way to get inside their desired destinations.

I almost regretted coming here.

But, I had a lit of things I needed to get, and a large sum of money to spend.

First thing first was to buy the stationary I needed to get through my classes. I was close to going into my second semester once my nineteenth birthday passed.

I wasn't looking forward to my birthday.

And it was approaching. Too quickly for my liking.

March 17th was the day I was born, and it also marked the day Mom died.

It'll mark the third year I hadn't bothered to celebrate my birthday. It would also be the third year my dads hadn't bothered to say even a small "Happy Birthday!", although I could understand it.

Why would you bother to remember something so insignificant when it was the day the love of your life died?

Truth be told, they never came out of their rooms that day. Not even to eat.

I was the one that always made sure to leave food outsides their doors, knocking gently to let them know it was there.

Gulpinp, I pasted on a smile and entered one of the stationary stores at the mall. Looking around, excitement filled my core.

I knew I was going to spend A LOT of money here.

Notebooks, pens, markers, cute little kawaii erasers, and many other cute items were in my basket. I probably didn't need all of it. But it made me feel happiness. The numbness of my emotions was starting to fade. And I felt almost like...I don't know. Happy? Content?

I wasn't like the old me. But I was becoming a better version of what I had been after Mom passed, and that was good enough for now.

With my mind flashing to all the men I've been meeting the past week, a smile rose on my lips. Heading over to the counter, I paid for my items before the older women handed me the bag of stationary.

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