10. the cookout

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xi. the cookout

The five days I've spent spending time with my friends and family (apart from my dad's) has been one of the greatest weekends I've had since the accident. I hadn't even stepped foot near my house, instead-I've spent my days spending time with Kylie and Grandma exploring Charleston and watching supernatural with Kylie and Corey at the Sergeant Jasper.

I would have gone home days ago-if Kylie and her family hadn't pushed me to say so long-when Grandma told me our neighbors had been looking for me. But, in all reality, I've missed spending time with the Toma family. I hadn't felt so carefree and completely joyful for a long time.

My slight jealousy had disappeared once I thought everything over.

What right did I have to be jealous? No right at all-we weren't anything but acquaintances-far from being friends.

Knowing he more than likely had a girlfriend in his life-I've come to the decision to avoid him like the plague so I wouldn't gain deeper feelings for him apart from plain, 'ole attraction.

The last thing I needed in my already complicated life was to have feelings for someone who was in a relationship.

Packing up my things didn't take as long as I was expecting, but all the shopping bags I had to take home with me were going to be tiresome to pack in the back of Kylie's mini cooper.

"I wish you didn't have to go home..." Kylie groaned, "It's going to be so boring here without you."

Grinning, I shook my head. "I have to go home sometime, Kylie. I have my dads to take care of." I reminded her.

Kylie rolled her eyes, "They're grown men-they supposed to take care of themselves. If they pull their heads out of their ass, they'll realize they're missing out on everything."

Unable to argue, I only nodded, and grabbed my stuff. "C'mon, I gotta get home." I said, "Before it gets too late." Shooting my eyes down to my watch, I realized it was only five-thirty.

Kylie sighed once more and pulled herself to her feet, "Let's go."

Yelling our goodbyes to her family, Kylie and I walked out of the apartment and down to the parking garage, where we were soon on our way to my house. "Once I get home, I think I'm just going to have my bubble bath."

Humming, Kylie nodded. "Sounds nice-I may do that when I get back."

On our way to my house, Kylie and I stopped by a fast food restaurant to pick up food to eat instead of having to cook. With my food in my lap, I nibbled on my fries and nuggets until we pulled up in front of my house.

Reaching back and grabbing my shit, Kylie leaned over me, looking at the house across the street. "You're right, they are hot!" She whistled, fanning herself dramatically, "Sooo...which one is the one who sucked your tit?"

"Fucking hell, Ky!" I cried, flushing, head snapping around and looking where her eyes were glued to before widening. "What. The. Hell.-Uh, Kylie?" I gulped, recognizing every single man-they were all helping Jin place meat and other sorts of food on the grill.

Seems like they were doing a cookout.

"What?" She asked, drooling as her eyes continued to rake over them.

"Would you believe I've met every single one of them?" I asked weakly. Yoongi and Tae lived here too? With them?

Kylie lips stretched into the smirk, "Sooo-the guy from the music shop and the guy from the Gucci store? Seems like fate to me." She said once I explained.

Seems so.

"So? Which one is the guy who was making out with that lady?"

Peeking over, but not making it obvious, I saw Jungkook-along with the others stopping what they were doing to eye the car. Thankfully, they couldn't see inside due to the blacked out windows. Jungkook was wearing a tight black t-shirt, black pants, and those combat boots that made me want him to step all over me.

His tattooed arms were crossed over his chest, pierced brow raised in interest, as he leaned against one of the large stone pillars on the house.

Gulping, I looked away and stared at Kylie. "The one with tattoos." I admitted, grabbing my shit in a rush, making sure I was careful getting my food and my drink.

"I wish you luck, precious." Kylie cooed, "If what Erica said is true-that they have been looking for you-avoiding him might be hard."

Biting down on my lip, I shook my head and pushed my ray bans over my eyes. "I'll come up with an excuse. I'm good with those." I sighed, throwing open the car door before looking back at her. "I'll see you later-wish me luck."

Kylie cackled, throwing her head back, "Love you!" She called loudly, "hey! If he ever tries coming on to you-kick him in the nuts."

"Will do! Love you too!" I called, shutting the door and holding all my shit in my arms. Feeling the heavy weight, I waved once more before taking a sip of my drink.

Wanting to haul ass to my front door, I decided to pretend nothing was wrong, and I started to causally walk (more like waddle from the weight of the ten hard cover books I got-AND like twelve of those stone book ends.)

(I didn't regret buying anything-books are life. You have to make your bookshelves as aesthetic as possible)

All was fine and dandy until Hobi's loud, upbeat, cute voice yelled my face. Wincing, I pasted a kind smile on my face as turned back-taking a sip of my tea. "Hey!" I called, waving. From across the street, Yoongi and Tae's smirks were easy to spot-"My little bun!" Jin screeched, basically throwing the metal tongs in his hands to Namjoon-I almost laughed as his eyes widened as he frantically tried to grab them before they fell onto the ground. Jin stormed off the porch, hands on his hips.

He looked like he would smack me with his slipper.

Laughing nervously, I backed away from him as he neared me. The others didn't even try to help, all they did was smirk and shake their heads.

"You were gone for five days. FIVE DAYS. And never bothered to tell me!" He scolded, pulling me into his arms. Trying my best to hug him back, he pulled away and took the bags from my hands.

"Give me those!" he winked, before his eyes widened once he felt the weight of the bags, "God! Why are you trying to carry something this heavy? You're so tiny!" he scolded again, "Here-open the door and I'll carry them inside for you."

"Oh-uh, you don't have to do that!" I quickly said, pushing my sunglasses up my face. Jin grin grew, "I know, but I want to. C'mon now." He said, helping me carry my shopping bags inside.

Once they were all inside my room, Jin set his arm around my shoulder and lead me out of my room, "You need to eat more, little bun." He said, smiling at the giggle that left my lips once he poked my tummy. "I've been cooking for those idiots, and I've made plenty, let's go eat."

My face pale once his words sunk in.

Go over there?

With all of them there?

No way.



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